List of Best Linux RDP Client: [2024 Guide]

Discover seamless remote desktop access with rdp for client for linux. Connect and control effortlessly. Try it today!

Updated: 27 Mar, 24 by Amelia S 53 Min

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In the world of cross-platform remote desktop connectivity, finding the best RDP client for Linux has become an essential pursuit for many users. As businesses and individuals increasingly seek seamless solutions to access Windows-based systems from their Linux environments, the quest for the most efficient and reliable Linux RDP client to Windows becomes paramount. In this guide, we will explore the capabilities of various RDP clients available for Linux, shedding light on their features and performance to help you make an informed choice. Whether you're wondering if RDP can connect to Linux or are on the lookout for the best Windows rdp for client for linux, this comprehensive review of Linux RDP clients to Windows will provide the answers you seek, does rdp work on linux and answer that can rdp connect to linux. So, let's dive in and uncover the top contenders in the realm of Linux RDP client software, and windows rdp for client for linux that bridges the gap between Linux and Windows environments.

For a detailed guide on using RDP from Linux to Windows, check out MonoVM's article "RDP from Linux to Windows".

Numerous rdp for client for linux are available in the market, serving the purpose of enabling remote desktop connections. This Section will assess some of the top rdp for client for linux:

1.      TigerVNC – Virtual Network Computing Server

TigerVNC (Virtual Network Computing Server) is an open-source rdp for client for linux software that allows users to access and control the graphical desktop of a remote computer or server over a network. It is based on the VNC (Virtual Network Computing) protocol and is designed to provide a secure and efficient way to share and control desktop environments across different platforms, including Linux.

Advantages of TigerVNC

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: TigerVNC is available for various platforms, including Linux, Windows, and macOS. This cross-platform support enables users to connect to remote Linux machines from Windows or macOS systems and vice versa.
  • Open Source: TigerVNC is open-sourcerdp for client for linux software, which means it is free to use and can be customized or extended by the community. This openness fosters development and innovation.
  • Security: TigerVNC can be configured to use secure encryption methods, such as SSL/TLS, to protect data transmission during remote sessions. This ensures that sensitive information remains confidential.
  • Performance: It is designed for performance, making it suitable for tasks that require high graphical fidelity, such as 3D rendering or video playback.
  • Clipboard Integration: TigerVNC allows for easy clipboard sharing between the local and remote desktops, simplifying the process of copying and pasting text and files.
  • Authentication Options: Users can configure various authentication methods, including password-based, username/password, or Kerberos, to secure remote access.
  • Customization: TigerVNC offers customization options, allowing users to adjust settings like display resolution and color depth to suit their preferences and network conditions.

Disadvantages of TigerVNC

  • Configuration Complexity: Setting up TigerVNC can be complex, especially for users who are not familiar with Linux and networking. Properly configuring security settings and firewalls may require some expertise.
  • Bandwidth Usage: Like other remote desktop solutions, TigerVNC's performance can be affected by limited network bandwidth. High-quality graphics and video streaming may not perform well on slow connections.
  • Lack of Built-In Features: TigerVNC primarily provides remote desktop access and lacks some advanced features found in other remote desktop solutions, such as file transfer and remote printing.

Key Features of TigerVNC

  • Remote Desktop Access: TigerVNC allows users to connect to and control remote Linux desktops or servers from other devices.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: It works on Linux, Windows, and macOS, enabling compatibility across different operating systems.
  • Security: TigerVNC supports secure encryption methods to protect data during transmission.
  • Performance Optimization: It is optimized for graphics-intensive tasks and can provide a smooth remote desktop experience.
  • Clipboard Integration: The ability to share clipboard contents between the local and remote desktops simplifies data transfer.
  • Authentication: Multiple authentication methods are supported to enhance security.

In summary, TigerVNC is a versatile open-source rdp for client for linux solution with robust security features, cross-platform compatibility, and good performance for graphical applications. However, it may require some technical expertise to set up and configure effectively, and it lacks certain advanced features found in other remote desktop software. Users looking for a secure and customizable remote desktop solution for Linux should consider TigerVNC as a viable option.

2.      Remmina – Remote Desktop Client for Linux

Remmina is a popular open-sourcerdp for client for linux and Unix-like operating systems. It is designed to provide users with a versatile and feature-rich tool for accessing and managing remote desktops and remote applications on various platforms. Below, I'll explain its key features, advantages, and disadvantages:

Key Features of Remmina

  • Protocol Support: Remmina supports a wide range of remote desktop protocols, including rdp for client for linux(Remote Desktop Protocol), VNC (Virtual Network Computing), SSH, NX, SPICE, and more. This protocol diversity allows users to connect to various types of remote systems, including Windows, Linux, and virtual machines.
  • Multiple Connections: Remmina allows users to manage multiple remote desktop connections simultaneously. You can easily switch between different remote sessions from a single interface.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Remmina features a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to create, edit, and organize remote connections. It provides a streamlined and efficient user experience.
  • Customizable Profiles: Users can create and save connection profiles, allowing for quick access to frequently used remote systems. These profiles can include various settings, such as display resolution, color depth, and more.
  • File Transfer: Remmina supports file transfer between the local and remote systems, making it convenient to share files during remote sessions.
  • Audio Redirection: It supports audio redirection, allowing you to hear sound from the remote system on your local machine, which is useful for applications that require sound output.
  • Remote Printing: Remmina can be configured to enable remote printing, so you can print documents from the remote system on your local printer.
  • SSH Tunneling: You can establish secure connections using SSH tunneling with Remmina, enhancing the security of your remote desktop sessions.
  • Integration with GNOME and Other Desktop Environments: Remmina integrates well with various Linux desktop environments, including GNOME and KDE, providing a consistent and cohesive experience.

Advantages of Remmina

  • Versatility: Remmina's support for multiple protocols and platforms makes it a versatile choice for remote desktop access. You can use it to connect to a wide variety of remote systems.
  • User-Friendly: Its intuitive interface makes it accessible to both beginners and experienced users, with straightforward options for setting up and managing remote connections.
  • Active Development: Remmina is actively developed and maintained, ensuring that it stays up-to-date with the latest features and security enhancements.
  • Open Source: As open-source software, Remmina is freely available and can be customized or extended by the community.

Disadvantages of Remmina:

  • Limited OS Support: Remmina is primarily designed for Linux and Unix-like operating systems. While it's available for some other platforms, it may not offer the same level of support and features on those systems.
  • Advanced Features: While Remmina offers a robust set of features for remote desktop access, it may lack some of the more advanced capabilities found in specialized remote desktop clients.

In summary, Remmina is a powerful and flexible remote desktop client for Linux and Unix-like systems, offering support for a variety of protocols and a user-friendly interface. Its ability to manage multiple connections and its compatibility with popular Linux desktop environments make it a popular choice among Linux users for remote desktop access. However, its primary focus on Linux means that it may not be as feature-rich on other operating systems, and it may not provide all the advanced features of some proprietary remote desktop clients.

3.      AnyDesk – Remote Desktop Application for Linux

AnyDesk is a popular remote desktop application that provides users with the capability to connect to and control remote computers or servers over a network. It is designed to be cross-platform, supporting various operating systems, including Linux. Here's an explanation of AnyDesk, along with its advantages, disadvantages, and key features:

Advantages of AnyDesk

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility:  AnyDesk is available for Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS, making it versatile for users who need to connect to different types of devices.
  • High Performance: AnyDesk is known for its excellent performance, even on low-bandwidth connections. It employs a proprietary video codec called DeskRT, which helps deliver smooth and responsive remote desktop experiences.
  • Low Latency: The low latency of AnyDesk ensures minimal delay between actions on the local and remote computers, resulting in a more natural and efficient remote control experience.
  • Encryption: AnyDesk uses strong encryption (TLS 1.2) to secure remote connections, ensuring that data transmitted between devices is protected from unauthorized access.
  • Unattended Access: Users can configure AnyDesk to allow unattended access to a remote computer, making it suitable for remote support scenarios where the user may not be present.
  • File Transfer: AnyDesk provides a simple and intuitive file transfer feature, allowing users to send and receive files between the local and remote devices.
  • Customization: Users can customize their AnyDesk client with a personal alias, making it easier to remember and identify remote devices.
  • Multi-Monitor Support: AnyDesk supports multiple monitor setups, allowing you to view and control all connected screens on the remote computer.
  • Cross-Network Connections: AnyDesk is capable of connecting over different types of networks, including LAN, WAN, and even the internet, without requiring complex network configuration.

Disadvantages of AnyDesk:

  • Limited Free Plan: While AnyDesk offers a free plan for personal use, it has limitations on the number of devices you can connect to and a watermark on the screen. Businesses and professional users may need to purchase a subscription for unrestricted access.
  • Limited Features on Linux: The Linux version of AnyDesk may have fewer features compared to the Windows version, which could be a drawback for Linux users looking for feature parity.

Key Features of AnyDesk:

  • Remote Desktop Access: AnyDesk allows users to connect to remote computers and control them as if they were physically present.
  • Cross-Platform: It is compatible with various operating systems, including Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.
  • High Performance: AnyDesk is known for its low-latency and high-performance remote desktop capabilities.
  • Security: It uses encryption to secure remote connections and prevent unauthorized access.
  • File Transfer: Users can easily transfer files between the local and remote devices.
  • Unattended Access: AnyDesk supports unattended access for remote support scenarios.
  • Customization: Users can set up personal aliases for easier identification of remote devices.
  • Multi-Monitor Support: It can handle multi-monitor setups, making it suitable for professionals who use multiple screens.

Overall, AnyDesk is a robust and reliable rdp for client for linux application that offers excellent performance and security. Its cross-platform compatibility makes it a versatile choice for remote access needs, but users should be aware of the limitations of the free plan and ensure that they choose an appropriate subscription level for their requirements, especially in professional settings.

4.      VNC Connect – Remote Desktop Access Solution

VNC Connect is a rdp for client for linux access solution developed by RealVNC. It allows users to connect to and control remote computers or servers from a wide range of platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile devices. VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing, and VNC Connect is one of the implementations of the VNC protocol.

Advantages of VNC Connect:

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: VNC Connect is compatible with a variety of operating systems, making it versatile for connecting to remote machines regardless of the platform they're running.
  • Ease of Use: It offers a user-friendly interface that is relatively easy for both beginners and experienced users to navigate. Setting up and connecting to remote systems is straightforward.
  • Screen Sharing and Control: Users can view the remote desktop and take full control, allowing for easy troubleshooting, software installation, and collaborative work.
  • Encryption: VNC Connect provides secure communication between the local and remote computers, ensuring data privacy. It supports strong encryption methods to protect against eavesdropping.
  • File Transfer: Users can transfer files between the local and remote systems seamlessly, simplifying data sharing and remote management tasks.
  • Customization: VNC Connect allows users to customize display settings, including resolution and color depth, to optimize the remote desktop experience for different scenarios and network conditions.
  • Grouping and Deployment: It offers features for organizing and grouping remote computers, making it convenient for managing multiple systems, especially in enterprise environments. Deployment tools are available for large-scale implementations.

Disadvantages of VNC Connect:

  • Performance: While VNC Connect can provide acceptable performance for many tasks, it may not be as fast as some other remote desktop solutions, particularly for graphics-intensive applications or on slower networks.
  • Authentication: The authentication options in VNC Connect may not be as extensive as some other remote desktop tools, which could be a limitation for users who require advanced authentication methods.
  • Cost: VNC Connect offers both free and paid versions. Some advanced features and capabilities are available only in the paid version, which may not be suitable for all users.

Key Features of VNC Connect:

  • Remote Desktop Access: Allows users to access and control remote computers or servers.
  • Cross-Platform: Compatible with Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile devices.
  • Encryption: Ensures secure communication between local and remote systems.
  • File Transfer: Supports easy file transfer between the local and remote machines.
  • Customization: Offers options to customize display settings for optimal performance.
  • Grouping and Deployment: Provides tools for organizing and managing multiple remote systems, suitable for enterprise use.

In summary, VNC Connect is a widely used and reliable rdp for client for linux access solution that provides cross-platform compatibility, ease of use, secure communication, and file transfer capabilities. While it may not be the fastest option for all scenarios, it is a solid choice for remote support, system administration, and collaborative work across different operating systems. Users should evaluate their specific needs and consider the available pricing options to determine if VNC Connect is the right fit for their remote desktop access requirements.

5.      Vinagre – Remote Desktop Viewer for Linux

Vinagre is a rdp for client for linux. It provides a graphical user interface for connecting to and viewing remote desktops or servers using various remote desktop protocols, including VNC (Virtual Network Computing) and RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). Vinagre is often included in the GNOME desktop environment, which is the default desktop environment for several Linux distributions. Here's an overview of Vinagre, including its advantages, disadvantages, and key features:

Advantages of Vinagre

  • Integration with GNOME: Vinagre is tightly integrated with the GNOME desktop environment, making it a seamless choice for GNOME users. It follows the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines, offering a consistent and familiar user experience.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Vinagre features a straightforward and user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, making it accessible to both novice and experienced users.
  • Multiple Protocols Support: Vinagre supports multiple remote desktop protocols, including VNC and RDP. This versatility allows users to connect to various types of remote systems and desktop environments.
  • Connection Management: The application provides a convenient way to manage and organize remote connections. Users can save connection profiles, making it easier to connect to frequently accessed remote systems.
  • Clipboard Integration: Vinagre supports clipboard sharing between the local and remote desktops, facilitating the seamless transfer of text and files.
  • Authentication Options: It allows users to configure authentication methods, ensuring secure access to remote systems.

Disadvantages of Vinagre:

  • Limited Advanced Features: Vinagre is primarily a remote desktop viewer, and it lacks some of the advanced features found in other remote desktop clients. For example, it may not offer as many customization options or support for advanced remote administration tasks.
  • Performance: While suitable for most common remote desktop tasks, Vinagre's performance may not be as optimized for graphics-intensive applications compared to some other clients.

Key Features of Vinagre:

  • VNC and RDP Support: Vinagre supports both VNC and RDP protocols, making it versatile for connecting to various types of remote systems.
  • GNOME Integration: The application seamlessly integrates with the GNOME desktop environment, providing a consistent user experience.
  • Connection Management: Vinagre allows users to save and organize connection profiles for easy access to remote systems.
  • Clipboard Sharing: Clipboard integration enables users to copy and paste text and files between the local and remote desktops.
  • Authentication Options: It supports various authentication methods to ensure secure remote access.
  • Simplicity: Vinagre's straightforward interface makes it accessible to users of all levels of experience.

In summary, Vinagre is a user-friendly remote desktop viewer for Linux, particularly suitable for GNOME users. Its strengths lie in its simplicity, GNOME integration, and support for multiple remote desktop protocols. However, it may lack some advanced features and optimization for resource-intensive tasks that other remote desktop clients offer. It is well-suited for users who need to access remote desktops or servers with ease and simplicity.

6.      Real VNC

RealVNC, also known simply as VNC (Virtual Network Computing), is a commercial rdp for client for linux solution that provides a platform-independent means of sharing and controlling desktop environments remotely. It is based on the VNC protocol, which was originally developed at the University of Cambridge. RealVNC offers both free and paid versions of its software, catering to a range of users and needs.

Advantages of RealVNC:

  •  RealVNC provides support: for various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile operating systems like Android and iOS. This makes it easy to access and control remote computers from different devices.
  • Secure Remote Access: RealVNC offers secure communication through encryption, authentication, and optional multi-factor authentication (MFA) methods. This ensures that data transmitted during remote sessions remains confidential and secure.
  • Direct and Cloud Connectivity: RealVNC supports both direct connectivity (connecting directly to an IP address or hostname) and cloud connectivity through RealVNC's cloud service. The cloud service simplifies remote access by eliminating the need to configure firewalls or port forwarding.
  • File Transfer: RealVNC includes a file transfer feature that allows users to transfer files between the local and remote computers, facilitating collaboration and data sharing.
  • Clipboard Integration: It enables seamless clipboard integration, allowing users to copy and paste text and files between the local and remote desktops.
  • Printing: RealVNC supports remote printing, enabling users to print documents from a remote machine to a local printer and vice versa.
  • Session Recording: The software offers the ability to record remote desktop sessions, which can be useful for training, auditing, or troubleshooting purposes.
  • Adaptive Compression: RealVNC employs adaptive compression algorithms to optimize performance over varying network conditions. This ensures a smoother experience even on slower connections.

Disadvantages of RealVNC

  • Cost: While RealVNC offers a free version (VNC Connect Home), the full-featured versions suitable for business and enterprise use require a paid subscription. The cost may be a drawback for some users.
  • Complexity: Setting up and configuring RealVNC, especially in more complex network environments, can be challenging for users who are not familiar with networking and firewall configurations.
  • Limited Features in the Free Version: The free version of RealVNC, while functional, may lack some advanced features available in the paid versions, such as remote deployment and centralized management.

Key Features of RealVNC

  • Cross-Platform Support: RealVNC is compatible with various operating systems, allowing remote desktop access across different devices and platforms.
  • Security Features: It provides robust security features, including encryption, authentication, and optional MFA.
  • File Transfer: Users can easily transfer files between local and remote computers.
  • Clipboard Integration: Seamless clipboard integration simplifies text and file copying and pasting.
  • Printing: Remote printing allows documents to be printed on local printers from a remote computer.
  • Direct and Cloud Connectivity: Users can connect directly or use RealVNC's cloud service for simplified connectivity.
  • Session Recording: The ability to record remote sessions is useful for training and auditing purposes.
  • Adaptive Compression: RealVNC optimizes performance over varying network conditions.

RealVNC is a versatile remote desktop solution suitable for both personal and business use cases. Its broad platform support, security features, and ease of use make it a popular choice for remote desktop access and control. However, potential users should consider the cost and complexity of configuration, especially for business-oriented features.

7.      Xrdp

Xrdp (X Remote Desktop Protocol) is an open-source rdp client for centosl server and one of the best rdp for client for linux that allows you to remotely access Linux desktop environments from other operating systems, primarily Windows. It is a popular choice for Linux users who need to connect to their Linux systems remotely. Below, I'll explain Xrdp, its advantages, disadvantages, and key features:

Advantages of Xrdp

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Xrdp is designed to work with a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and other Unix-based systems. This cross-platform compatibility makes it versatile for users of different environments.
  • Open Source: Xrdp is open-source software, which means the source code is freely available for anyone to inspect, modify, and contribute to. This fosters a community of developers and users who can help improve the software.
  • Ease of Use: It provides a relatively straightforward way to access Linux desktops remotely, especially for users who are familiar with the Windows Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client.
  • Customizability: Xrdp can be customized and configured to work with various desktop environments and window managers on Linux, allowing users to tailor their remote desktop experience.
  • Performance: Xrdp typically offers good performance for remote desktop connections, with minimal latency when configured correctly.
  • Secure: Xrdp can be used with secure encryption protocols (such as TLS) to protect the remote desktop connection from eavesdropping and unauthorized access.

Disadvantages of Xrdp

  • Limited Features: Xrdp is primarily designed for remote desktop access and might not provide all the advanced features and tools available in some other remote desktop solutions.
  • Configuration Complexity: Configuring Xrdp on Linux systems can be complex for beginners, as it often requires editing configuration files and understanding various settings.
  • Compatibility Issues: While Xrdp works well with many Linux desktop environments, compatibility issues might arise with certain window managers or older Linux distributions.

Key Features of Xrdp

  • Remote Desktop Access: Xrdp allows users to access and control a Linux desktop remotely from another computer using the RDP client.
  • Cross-Platform Support: It is compatible with a variety of operating systems, making it accessible to a broad user base.
  • Customizable: Users can customize Xrdp to work with different Linux desktop environments and window managers.
  • Security: Xrdp can be configured to use encryption, making the remote desktop connection more secure.
  • Resource Sharing: Xrdp enables file and clipboard sharing between the local and remote systems, allowing for seamless data transfer.
  • Session Management: It supports multiple concurrent remote desktop sessions, allowing multiple users to connect to the same Linux system simultaneously.
  • Audio Redirection: Depending on the configuration, Xrdp can redirect audio from the remote session to the client, allowing users to listen to audio from the remote Linux machine on their local device.

Xrdp is a valuable tool for those who need to access and manage Linux desktops remotely, especially if they are using Windows or other non-Linux operating systems. However, users should be aware of its configuration requirements and potential compatibility issues with specific Linux setups.

8.      NoMachine

NoMachine is a rdp for linux ubuntu and remote access software solution designed to facilitate remote access to computers and provide a seamless desktop experience across various platforms. It allows users to connect to their remote systems and work as if they were physically present at the remote computer. Below, I'll explain NoMachine, its advantages, disadvantages, and key features:

 Advantages of NoMachine:

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: NoMachine supports multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and various Unix-based systems, making it versatile and accessible for users of different environments.
  • High Performance: NoMachine is known for its high-performance capabilities, providing a smooth and responsive remote desktop experience even over low-bandwidth connections.
  • Low Latency: It minimizes latency, ensuring that users can interact with the remote desktop in real-time without noticeable delays.
  • Multi-Protocol Support: NoMachine supports multiple remote desktop protocols, including NX, RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), and SSH. This flexibility allows users to choose the best protocol for their specific needs.
  • File Transfer and Clipboard Sharing: NoMachine allows easy file transfer between the local and remote machines, as well as clipboard sharing for copying and pasting data between devices.
  • Session Recording: It provides the ability to record remote desktop sessions, which can be useful for training, troubleshooting, or documentation purposes.
  • Multi-Monitor Support: NoMachine offers support for multiple monitors, allowing users to extend their remote desktop experience across multiple screens.
  • Mobile Access: NoMachine has mobile apps available for iOS and Android, enabling remote access from smartphones and tablets.
  • Security Features: NoMachine incorporates security measures, including encryption and authentication mechanisms, to protect remote sessions and data.

Disadvantages of NoMachine

  • Complex Configuration: Setting up NoMachine for remote access can be more complex compared to some other remote desktop solutions, especially for non-technical users.
  • Licensing: While there is a free version of NoMachine (NoMachine Free), it also offers paid versions with more advanced features. Users may need to carefully evaluate their needs and consider the licensing costs.
  • Limited Collaboration Features: NoMachine is primarily designed for remote desktop access and may lack some of the collaboration features found in other solutions.

Key Features of NoMachine

  • Remote Desktop Access: NoMachine allows users to remotely access and control computers running various operating systems.
  • Cross-Platform: It supports Windows, macOS, Linux, and Unix-based systems, providing a consistent remote desktop experience across different platforms.
  • Performance Optimization: NoMachine is optimized for high performance, offering low-latency, responsive remote sessions.
  • File Transfer and Clipboard Sharing: Users can easily transfer files between local and remote systems and share the clipboard content.
  • Multi-Protocol Support: NoMachine supports multiple remote desktop protocols, allowing users to choose the most suitable one for their use case.
  • Session Recording: NoMachine can record remote desktop sessions for later review or documentation.
  • Multi-Monitor Support: Users with multiple monitors can extend their desktop experience to multiple screens.
  • Mobile Access: Mobile apps for iOS and Android devices enable remote access from smartphones and tablets.
  • Security: NoMachine incorporates encryption and authentication mechanisms to secure remote sessions.

NoMachine is a powerful remote desktop solution known for its performance and cross-platform compatibility. It's suitable for a wide range of use cases, from remote IT support to remote work and accessing your own computers from afar. However, users should be prepared for the initial configuration complexity and consider their specific needs when evaluating the free and paid versions of the software.

9.      Chrome Remote Desktop

Chrome Remote Desktop is a microsoft rdp client for linux and support tool developed by Google. It allows users to access their own computers or provide remote assistance to others over the internet. This tool is available as an extension for the Google Chrome web browser and can be used on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Chrome OS.

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Below, I'll explain Chrome Remote Desktop, its advantages, disadvantages, and key features:

Advantages of Chrome Remote Desktop

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Chrome Remote Desktop is compatible with a variety of operating systems, making it accessible for users with different devices and platforms.
  • Ease of Use: It's relatively easy to set up and use, especially for individuals who are already using the Google Chrome web browser. No additional software installation is required.
  • Secure Connections: Chrome Remote Desktop employs secure connections using the SSL protocol, ensuring that your remote sessions are encrypted and secure.
  • Multi-Monitor Support: It supports multiple monitors, allowing users to work with a multi-screen setup during remote sessions.
  • File Transfer: Users can transfer files between the local and remote computers, making it convenient for sharing documents and files during remote sessions.
  • Multi-User Access: Multiple users can be granted access to a single computer, which is useful for collaborative work or providing support to multiple people.
  • Mobile Access: Chrome Remote Desktop has mobile apps available for iOS and Android, enabling remote access from smartphones and tablets.
  • Free to Use: Chrome Remote Desktop is a free service, which makes it a cost-effective solution for personal and small-scale remote access needs.

Disadvantages of Chrome Remote Desktop

  • Requires Google Account: To use Chrome Remote Desktop, both the host (the computer being accessed remotely) and the client (the computer connecting remotely) need to be signed in to Google accounts. This may not be suitable for users who prefer not to use Google services.
  • Browser Dependency: As an extension for the Chrome browser, Chrome Remote Desktop relies on having an active Chrome browser session on both the host and client computers. This may not be ideal for users who prefer standalone remote desktop software.

Key Features of Chrome Remote Desktop:

  • Remote Desktop Access: Chrome Remote Desktop allows users to remotely access and control their computers over the internet.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: It supports Windows, macOS, Linux, and Chrome OS.
  • Easy Setup: Setting up Chrome Remote Desktop is relatively simple and can be done within the Google Chrome web browser.
  • Secure Connections: It uses SSL encryption to secure remote desktop sessions.
  • File Transfer: Users can transfer files between the local and remote computers during sessions.
  • Multi-Monitor Support: Chrome Remote Desktop supports multiple monitors, enhancing the remote desktop experience for users with multi-screen setups.
  • Mobile Access: Mobile apps for iOS and Android devices enable remote access from smartphones and tablets.
  • Multi-User Access: Multiple users can be granted access to a single computer, facilitating collaborative work or remote support.
  • Remote Sound: Chrome Remote Desktop has an option to transmit the audio from the remote computer to the client computer.
  • Free Service: Chrome Remote Desktop is free to use for personal and small-scale remote access needs. 

Chrome Remote Desktop is a convenient and free windows rdp client for linux solution for users who want to access their own computers or provide remote support to others. While it has some limitations, such as the requirement for Google accounts and browser dependency, it remains a popular choice for its simplicity and cross-platform compatibility.

10.  Apache Guacamole

Apache Guacamole is an open-source clientless rdp client for linux mint and web-based remote desktop application that enables users to access their computers or server desktops from anywhere using a web browser. It provides a seamless and secure way to connect to remote systems without needing to install any additional software on the client side. Here, I'll explain Apache Guacamole, its advantages, disadvantages, and key features:

Advantages of Apache Guacamole

  • Clientless Access: One of the primary advantages of Guacamole is that it's clientless. Users can access remote desktops and servers directly from a web browser without needing to install any specific software or plugins on their local machines.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Apache Guacamole is platform-independent and works with a wide range of operating systems as both the client and server. This flexibility allows users to connect to a variety of systems regardless of their own OS.
  • Open Source: Being open-source software, Guacamole is freely available and can be customized or extended to meet specific requirements. It also benefits from an active community of developers and users.
  • Security: Guacamole takes security seriously and supports encryption for secure remote connections. Additionally, it can be integrated with authentication methods like LDAP, SAML, or multi-factor authentication (MFA) for enhanced security.
  • Centralized Management: Administrators can easily manage and configure multiple remote desktop connections through a web-based interface. This makes it easier to maintain and provide support for remote systems.
  • Extensible: Guacamole supports extensions and plugins, allowing for the integration of additional features and compatibility with various protocols and systems.

Disadvantages of Apache Guacamole

  • Resource Intensive: Running Guacamole on a server can be resource-intensive, particularly when managing multiple concurrent remote desktop connections. The server hardware should be adequately provisioned to ensure smooth performance.
  • Complex Setup: Setting up Guacamole may require some technical expertise, especially when configuring authentication and connecting to various remote systems.

Key Features of Apache Guacamole

  •  Clientless Access: Users can access remote desktops and servers from a web browser without installing any client-side software.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Guacamole works with various operating systems and supports multiple protocols, including RDP, VNC, SSH, and Telnet.
  • Security: It offers encryption for secure remote connections and supports various authentication methods, enhancing the security of remote access.
  • Centralized Management: Administrators can manage and configure remote desktop connections, user access, and permissions through a web-based admin interface.
  • Multi-User Support: Multiple users can connect to the same remote desktop simultaneously, making it suitable for collaborative work and remote support.
  • Session Recording: Guacamole can record remote sessions for auditing, troubleshooting, or documentation purposes.
  • Extensibility: The platform can be extended with plugins and extensions to add features and customize its functionality to suit specific needs.
  • Integration: Guacamole can be integrated with various authentication systems, allowing for single sign-on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) support.
  • Open Source: Apache Guacamole is open-source software, meaning it's free to use and can be modified to meet specific requirements.

Apache Guacamole is a powerful and versatile tool for providing remote desktop access, whether for IT support, remote work, or server management. Its clientless approach, security features, and extensibility make it a valuable choice for organizations and individuals looking for a flexible and secure remote access solution. Be sure to consult the official Apache Guacamole documentation and community resources for the most up-to-date information and support.

11.  FreeNX

FreeNX is an open-source rdp linux from windows solution, and one of the best rdp clients for linux that enables users to access their computer desktops or servers remotely over a network. It is built on top of the NX technology, which focuses on optimizing remote desktop performance while providing a secure and efficient remote desktop experience. Below, I'll explain FreeNX, its advantages, disadvantages, and key features:

Advantages of FreeNX

  • High Performance: FreeNX is known for its exceptional performance, offering low-latency remote desktop sessions, even over low-bandwidth connections. It achieves this by using the NX protocol, which compresses and optimizes data transfer. 
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: It supports a variety of operating systems, including Linux, Windows, macOS, and Unix-based systems. This cross-platform compatibility makes it versatile for users with different environments.
  • Open Source: FreeNX is open-source software, meaning the source code is freely available for inspection, modification, and contribution. This fosters a community of developers and users who can help improve the software.
  • Session Persistence: It allows users to disconnect and reconnect to their remote sessions, picking up where they left off. This feature is valuable for users who need to maintain continuity during remote work.
  • Security: FreeNX provides secure connections with encryption, ensuring the confidentiality of data transferred during remote sessions. It also supports various authentication methods.
  • Resource Efficiency: FreeNX is resource-efficient, consuming minimal server resources while delivering a high-quality remote desktop experience.

Disadvantages of FreeNX

  • Complex Setup: Setting up FreeNX can be complex, especially for users who are not familiar with Linux or Unix-based systems. Configuring the software and the associated server components may require technical expertise.
  • Limited Features: FreeNX primarily focuses on remote desktop access and performance optimization. It may lack some of the advanced features and collaboration tools found in other remote desktop solutions.

Key Features of FreeNX

  • Remote Desktop Access: FreeNX allows users to remotely access and control their computer desktops or servers over a network.
  • High Performance: It is optimized for low-latency, high-performance remote desktop sessions, making it suitable for tasks that require real-time interaction.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: FreeNX supports multiple operating systems, enhancing its versatility.
  • Open Source: Being open-source, FreeNX encourages community contributions, customization, and transparency.
  • Session Persistence: Users can disconnect from remote sessions and reconnect later without losing their work or progress.
  • Security: FreeNX uses encryption and supports various authentication methods to protect remote sessions.
  • Resource Efficiency: It is designed to be resource-efficient, minimizing the impact on server resources.
  • File Transfer: Depending on the configuration, FreeNX may support file transfer between the local and remote systems.

FreeNX is a powerful remote desktop solution, particularly well-suited for users who require high-performance remote access to Linux-based systems. Its use of the NX protocol makes it a strong choice for tasks that demand low-latency and real-time interaction. However, users should be prepared for the initial complexity of setup and configuration, especially if they are not experienced with Linux and server administration. Additionally, it's advisable to check for any updates or changes to FreeNX beyond my last knowledge update in September 2021 for the most current information.

12.  Xpra

Xpra is an open-source rdp for linux to windows, and one of thebest rdp client for linux that display server and screen forwarding tool that allows users to run applications and access desktop environments remotely. It is designed to provide a seamless and responsive remote desktop experience, particularly suited for Linux and Unix-like operating systems. Below, I'll explain Xpra, its advantages, disadvantages, and key features:

Advantages of Xpra

  • High Performance: Xpra is known for its excellent performance, delivering low-latency remote desktop sessions with minimal delay, even over low-bandwidth connections. It achieves this by optimizing the transport of window content. 
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Xpra supports multiple operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, making it versatile for users with different platforms.
  • Session Persistence: It allows users to disconnect and reconnect to their remote sessions without losing their work or progress. This feature is essential for maintaining continuity during remote work.
  • Application Isolation: Xpra can isolate individual applications or windows within a desktop session, enabling users to run and interact with specific applications remotely without sharing their entire desktop.
  • Multi-Platform Windows: Xpra provides multi-platform window support, which means users can move and resize individual application windows independently during remote sessions.
  • Server-Side Scaling: Xpra can scale remote applications on the server side to fit the client's display, ensuring compatibility with various screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Encryption and Security: It offers encryption for secure remote connections, and it can be configured to use SSH tunnels for added security.
  • Audio and Video Forwarding: Xpra supports audio and video forwarding, allowing users to hear audio from remote applications and view video content during remote sessions.

Disadvantages of Xpra

  • Complex Setup: Configuring Xpra, especially for complex setups or advanced features, may require technical expertise. Users who are not familiar with Linux or server administration may find it challenging to set up.
  • Limited Features for Collaboration: While Xpra is primarily designed for remote desktop access, it may not provide as many collaboration features as some other remote desktop solutions.

Key Features of Xpra

  • Remote Desktop Access: Xpra allows users to remotely access and control their desktop environments or individual applications running on remote servers.
  • High Performance: It provides a low-latency, high-performance remote desktop experience, suitable for tasks that require real-time interaction.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Xpra is compatible with various operating systems, making it accessible to users with different platforms.
  • Session Persistence: Users can disconnect and reconnect to their remote sessions, preserving their work and session state.
  •  Application Isolation: Xpra can isolate individual applications or windows within a desktop session, allowing users to run and interact with specific applications remotely.
  • Multi-Platform Windows: Xpra supports multi-platform window management, allowing users to manipulate individual application windows independently.
  • Server-Side Scaling: It can scale remote applications on the server side to fit the client's display, ensuring compatibility with different screen sizes.
  • Encryption and Security: Xpra offers encryption for secure remote connections and supports the use of SSH tunnels for added security.
  • Audio and Video Forwarding: Xpra enables the forwarding of audio and video content from remote applications to the client. 

Xpra is a powerful and flexible rdp for client for linux mint solution, particularly well-suited for Linux and Unix-like systems. Its focus on performance optimization and session persistence makes it a strong choice for tasks that require low-latency remote access and real-time interaction. However, users should be prepared for the initial complexity of setup, especially if they are not experienced with Linux and server administration.

Choosing the best rdp for client for linux depends on your specific needs and preferences. Linux offers several remote desktop client options, each with its own features and capabilities. Here are some factors to consider when selecting the right one for you:


When choosing rdp for client for linux, you must, Ensure that the remote desktop client you choose is compatible with your Linux distribution. Most remote desktop clients are available for popular distributions like Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian, but it's essential to verify compatibility.

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Support

When choosing rdp for client for linux,If you need to connect to Windows machines, look for a client that supports the RDP protocol, as this is the standard protocol used for remote access to Windows systems.

Protocol Options

When choosing rdp for client for linux, you must Consider the types of remote desktop protocols you might need to use. In addition to RDP, you may also need support for protocols like VNC (Virtual Network Computing) and SSH (Secure Shell).

User Interface

When choosing rdp for client for linux, you must Evaluate the user interface of the remote desktop client. Choose one that you find intuitive and user-friendly. The appearance and layout of the client can vary significantly between different options.


When choosing rdp for client for linux you must Consider the performance of the client, especially if you plan to use it for resource-intensive tasks or gaming. Look for a client that can deliver smooth and responsive remote desktop experiences.


When choosing rdp for client for linux, you must Ensure that the client supports secure connections and encryption protocols to protect your data and privacy during remote sessions.

Clipboard and File Transfer

When choosing rdp for client for linux, you must Check if the client allows for easy clipboard sharing and file transfer between your local and remote machines. This can be essential for productivity.

Multi-Monitor Support

When choosing rdp for client for linux, If you use multiple monitors, make sure the client supports multi-monitor setups for a seamless remote desktop experience.


Some clients offer advanced customization options, allowing you to tailor the remote desktop experience to your liking. If customization is important to you, look for a client that provides these features.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

When choosing rdp for client for linux, you must Consider whether you need a remote desktop client that is also compatible with other operating systems, such as Windows and macOS. This can be useful for consistency in managing multiple systems.

Community and Support

 When choosing rdp for client for linux, you must Check the availability of documentation, user communities, and support resources for the remote desktop client you're considering. Good community and support can be invaluable for troubleshooting and learning.


Some remote desktop clients are open-source and free, while others may require a paid license. Consider your budget and whether the client's features justify any associated costs.

Popular rdp for client for linux that you can explore include Remmina, Vinagre, GNOME Remote Desktop (part of the GNOME desktop environment), and NoMachine. Each of these clients has its strengths and may be better suited to different use cases.

Ultimately, the best rdp for client for linux depend on your specific needs and preferences, so it's a good idea to try out a few options to see which one works best for your workflow and requirements.

In conclusion, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) for Linux clients has evolved to become a crucial bridge between Linux-based systems and remote Windows servers or desktops. It offers Linux users a seamless and efficient means of accessing Windows resources and applications, breaking down traditional OS barriers. As we reflect on the benefits of RDP for Linux clients, it's evident that this technology brings a wealth of advantages to the table.

First and foremost, RDP empowers Linux users with the capability to tap into the expansive world of Windows software and services. Whether it's for running essential Windows applications, managing remote Windows servers, or accessing a Windows-centric work environment, RDP stands as a reliable and versatile solution.

Additionally, RDP for Linux clients excels in terms of security. By leveraging encryption and authentication mechanisms, it ensures that remote connections remain private and protected, safeguarding sensitive data and systems from potential threats.

Furthermore, RDP's cross-platform compatibility is a key asset, making it accessible to users across various Linux distributions and desktop environments. This adaptability ensures that Linux users can seamlessly integrate RDP into their preferred workflow.

Despite these significant advantages, it's important to acknowledge that setting up and configuring RDP for Linux clients may require some technical expertise. However, the value it brings in terms of remote access to Windows systems and applications often outweighs the initial learning curve.

In essence, RDP for Linux clients serves as a vital bridge, promoting interoperability and enhancing productivity for Linux users. It not only enriches their computing experience but also empowers them to harness the full potential of Windows resources without compromising on security or performance. As technology continues to evolve, RDP for Linux clients stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation, offering a robust solution that bridges the gap between these two prominent operating systems.

Yes, there are several RDP clients available for Linux, such as Remmina, FreeRDP, and rdesktop.

The Linux equivalent of RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) is often considered to be VNC (Virtual Network Computing). VNC provides a similar remote desktop capability and there are many VNC clients and servers available for Linux.

"Best" can be subjective, but Remmina is a popular and versatile remote desktop client for Linux that supports multiple protocols including RDP and VNC.

Yes, Remmina is an open-source and free remote desktop client for Linux and is widely used for its support of various protocols and its user-friendly interface.