Best Windows Versions List You Should Checkout in 2024

Best Windows Versions List You Should Checkout in 2024, Many of you are using the Windows operating system but you are not aware of all the available list of windows versions, Here in this article, you will have a brief understanding of the various versions of windows.

Updated: 01 May, 24 by Susith Nonis 14 Min

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Today, 90% of personal computers and 70% of network computers worldwide use Microsoft's Windows versions. No other software has ever achieved such widespread acceptance and adoption. Microsoft released Windows 1.0, the first graphical user interface (GUI) operating system, on November 20, 1985. At that time, Interface Manager was the name of the project. It was renamed to a more acceptable name- 'Windows' at the time of final release. 

As a result, the gradual technical improvements paved the path for the latest published version- Windows 10 that we are using. In this post, we will look at Best Windows versions list from the beginning.

If you're unsure about which Windows version you're using, check out our guide on how to check your Windows version. This can be helpful when deciding which Windows Server version is right for you.

In 1983, Microsoft released information about their first GUI operating system, but it took two years for Windows 1.0 to be born. The most important feature of Windows 1.0 was the transition from MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) to a graphical user interface that had only a typing method. Instead of using MS-DOS commands, you can use the mouse to click anywhere on the screen, the drop-down menu, the scroll bar, the icons, and the dialog box all make Windows 1.0 an easy-to-learn and manageable operating system. 

Windows 1.0 also made it possible to switch to other programs without quitting the program you were using. Windows 1.0 was released with many new programs, but MS-DOS remained. Windows 1.0 introduced all paint, Windows Writer, Notepad, Calculator, Calendar, and Clock. If the challenge for Microsoft today is Google, then the main rival was Apple Company in the early days. This version of Windows could not compete with Apple's operating system. It is only natural to use their operating system on their computers.

The next version, Windows 2.0, was released in 1987. An easier-to-manage interface characterized it. In addition, the memory management was excellent. Unlike the first version, in the new version, each window could be opened one by one. Apple Corps has filed a lawsuit against Microsoft, alleging that it owns the rights to the system. 

However, The court found it in Microsoft's favor. The first version of the popular software MS Word and MS Excel also came with Windows 2.0. This new version also includes software that is not Microsoft's and can run on Windows. That software is Aldous PageMaker. Naturally, the second version of Windows gained more acceptance than the first version.

Launched in 1990, Windows 3.0 included several changes to the graphics and virtual memory. Computer users are beginning to welcome Windows warmly. Popularity increased, and sales increased.

Twenty lakh copies of Windows 3.1 have been sold in the six months following its release. Version 3.5 might be considered an upgrade of Windows 3 . It was launched in 1992. This release not only contains the necessary updates, but it is also the first version of Windows to enable TrueType fonts, making Windows an indispensable desktop platform. Screensavers and drag-and-drop operations are also new in this.

Windows 95, released in 1995, boosted the popularity of both Windows and Microsoft. Windows 95 was introduced as a complete operating system, free from the influence of MS-DOS. Until then, it was a complete overhaul of the graphics concept. It's the first version of Windows today. Therefore, Windows 95 set a record in terms of sales. In the first five weeks alone, 70 lakh copies were sold. Windows 95 was the first to introduce Internet access and features for dialup, network, fax, and modem. New hardware tools include the easy-to-use 'Plug and Play system, and the taskbar and start button we see today were first introduced in Windows 95.

In June 1998, Windows 98 was launched. The emphasis of Windows 98 was on personal use. Windows 98 introduced back and forward navigation buttons, an address bar in Windows Explorer, and the Windows Driver Model for computer components and accessories. This driver could support all future versions of Windows. In addition, Windows 98 could use the Internet, search for files quickly, manage them easily, and read DVDs. For the first time, USB Windows 98 also introduced the use of drives and the Quick Launch bar.

Microsoft introduced the System Restore feature in Windows ME (Millennium Edition), released in September 2000.' System Restore' was the ability to go back to Windows settings when there was a virus attack on the computer or if Windows itself crashed. The Millennium Edition focused on multimedia and home networks, including Media Player 7 and Movie Maker. The final version based on the Windows 95 code was Windows ME.

It was a milestone for Microsoft's enterprise sector. It was an advance from the Windows 2000 base NT platform, which was geared at the enterprise market. It was released practically simultaneously with the Windows Me Customer release. Professional, Server, Advanced Server, Datacenter Server, and Small Business Server are the five different versions of Windows 2000, which are available in two flavors (workstation and server). All versions methodically combine elements from Windows 95/98 to produce an appealing user interface.

On October 25, 2001, Microsoft released Windows XP, the super hit of its history. It is doubtful if there is any other software that computer users love so much. Microsoft's Windows XP was the best-selling operating system of all time. Windows XP set a record in terms of sales. XP was a radical change in the way Windows is moving forward. XP included major changes to the start menu, taskbar, and control panel. 

XP was at the forefront in terms of speed and safety. In 2002, Microsoft released the Media Center Edition of XP and the Edition for Tablet PCs, with an emphasis on multimedia, live television, and the Internet. The extraordinary success of XSP delayed the arrival of the next version of Windows. For the past five years, the Microsoft Windows system XP has dominated the Windows world.

Uncompromising security was the hallmark of Windows Vista in 2006. Vista strongly opposes the intrusion of other software without permission. Other features of Vista include live video, video editing, a faster search engine, a start button, and changes to desktop and graphics. However, Vista has not been able to downplay the importance of XP. Moreover, the fact that the use of Vista became more and more complex for the consumer also affected the success of that version of Windows. Microsoft has announced Windows 7, the next edition of Windows, which incorporates lessons learned from the Vista experience.

For the past few years, the world has been witnessing the descent of desktops. Laptops, netbooks, and finally tablets began to become stars. In this context, Windows 7 was launched in October 2009. Windows 7 has been the most popular desktop and laptop operating system in the world for 11 years.

Windows 7 is characterized by superior speed and emphasis on graphics and multimedia. This version contains major changes to the desktop, folders, and icons. Windows 7 also has less time to open the computer. Microsoft claims that Windows 7 has been selling seven copies every second since its release. While this may seem like a long way off, one would agree that Windows 7 is a huge success compared to Vista. However, according to experts, using a PC running Windows 7 without the newest software and security patches can spread viruses and malware, posing a risk. It resulted in the introduction of Windows 8.

After Windows 7, Microsoft introduced Windows 8, but it was not successful enough. When the computer is turned on, move the cursor straight to the Start menu. That's the habit of computer users for decades. However, there was no Start menu button on it. Instead, you'll see a screen with several squares when you first turn on the computer. 

Windows has come up with such an upgrade to make it easier to move forward by pressing the cursor key on the desired block, but no one liked it. Many people have struggled to find the start menu on the computer. Some people have argued that it will be fixed after a while, but it did not satisfy the critics. The new interface, the integration of the Windows Title into the Menu start, and the unique Settings that replace the Control Panel are all fantastic "positive points" of Windows 8.

However, after Windows 8.5 flopped, the firm produced Windows 10 in 2015, contrary to expectations. Near-field connectivity, USB 3.0, low-power ARM architecture, cloud computing, and UEFI firmware were all included in the design. It also came with a number of security features, including malware filtering, spam detection, and built-in antivirus. Windows10

Microsoft released its latest operating system, Windows Ten, on September 30, 2014. 

The lack of popularity and popularity of Windows 8 in the market has led to the release of Windows' next OS.Microsoft has released Windows 10, leaving out Windows 9. The feature of Windows 10 is the return of the Start menu. That is why Microsoft has brought back the Start menu in Windows 10. It comes after the highly criticized Windows 8. Therefore, the new version is a composite version of Windows 7 and 8. The new version is a combination of Windows 7 and the current AIT. Updated Start Menu and Traditional Start Menu have been introduced in the new version. In addition, application icons have been redesigned.

Windows Ten was introduced on a trial basis for some business leaders in San Francisco. Windows 10 introduces a new web browser to replace Internet Explorer. It's called Microsoft Edge. Many users have testified that the Edge is capable of overcoming Google Chrome and Firefox faster and faster. Cortana is the name of Microsoft's voice-over virtual assistant. 

Apple was the first to introduce such a virtual assistant system under the name 'Siri.' Siri quickly became a hit on the iPhone. If we tell our needs or questions on the phone, the answer will appear on the screen. Siri will respond as best it can. Cortana is a virtual assistant system developed by Microsoft for Windows Phones following in the footsteps of Siri. Cortana's service, which was previously limited to phones, is now included in Windows 10.

 Windows 10 is the only feature in the Continuum mode system that can run on both desktop computers and tablets. This system recognizes what kind of gadget you are using and adjusts the user interface accordingly. This means that just one click is enough to change the work being done on the computer to the tab. This change can easily happen if you are using Microsoft's Surface tablet.

Windows, the world's most extensively used computer operating system, received an update. One of the most significant updates in the OS's history and one of the most significant in the last six years. The new OS is said to have been built with the changes brought about by the smartphone era and the excitement from Apple's Mac OS. One of the major changes in the new 'Start Menu.' The 'Start Button' has also been updated. Both have been moved to the center of the taskbar. Live Tiles are another important feature. This will allow you to quickly return to the app you were using. One of these was introduced in Windows 8 but was withdrawn due to criticism. 

Although it is compatible with the launcher on Chrome OS and Android, you can see the look of the Mac OS here as well. The light and dark modes in Windows 11 are more comforting to the eyes than they currently are. One of the new features is 'Snape Layouts.' Apps can be switched to multiple OS-supported modes. It also has a snap group layout. This is to find out where the apps are stored. This is especially useful when using multiple displays. Another important feature is the care for gamers. Auto HDR will be one of the features of the Windows 11 package. The Xbox Game Pass is also included in Windows. This is done through the Xbox app. Sync with X Cloud is also done.

To learn more about Windows Server versions, I recommend checking out this insightful article: Best Windows Server Versions. It provides a comprehensive overview of the different editions and helps you choose the right one for your requirements.

To use and test Windows servers, consider leveraging Windows VPS. This allows you to access and experiment with various Windows server versions in a virtual environment.

Microsoft Windows is one of the company's products. The Windows operating system was first published by Microsoft in 1985. It has traversed all height dimensions since its inception. In addition, Microsoft has made a breakthrough in the field of computing. The new windows versions are designed to reduce the size, increase operating speed and limit energy consumption in response to customer complaints from time to time. 

Every time, the corporation has attempted to incorporate desirable elements from the prior version into the next one. In addition, it wanted to give its clients something new. In fact, each change in the version of Windows reflects the growing importance of the Internet, the emergence of new technologies, and the new possibilities for computer users. Since each version of Windows has been released, several sub-versions have been released with the latest updates. This has taken the tech world by surprise, especially for IT professionals and small businesses alike.

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Susith Nonis

Susith Nonis

I'm fascinated by the IT world and how the 1's and 0's work. While I venture into the world of Technology, I try to share what I know in the simplest way with you. Not a fan of coffee, a travel addict, and a self-accredited 'master chef'.