PowerShell Service Management: Tips & Tricks for Experts

In this article we will demonstrate how to manage Windows services (Start, Stop, Restart) using the command-line interface of PowerShell.

Updated: 11 Feb, 24 by Ayden I 8 Min

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PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management framework from Microsoft. Today we will familiarize you with how to manage Windows services through PowerShell as it is much quicker and more efficient than other methods. As you may know, one of the most important parts of each operating system is the service that runs through it, and in general, it can be said that every part of the operating system that starts has a specific service that can be managed and controlled. When troubleshooting Windows services, running PowerShell as an administrator for elevated privileges is crucial. To learn how to do this, check out our guide on Run PowerShell as Administrator for seamless system management. Here's a detailed tutorial on how to use PowerShell to manage Windows services.

Keeping track of the services running on your Windows system is a fundamental aspect of system administration. PowerShell provides a convenient way to list all services efficiently.

  • Step 1: Open PowerShell

Begin by launching PowerShell on your system. Use the Start menu or search bar to find and open the application.

Managing Windows services with PowerShell

Managing Windows services with PowerShell

  • Step 2: Execute the List Services Command

Use the following PowerShell command to list all services:


This command fetches and displays a comprehensive list of all services running on your Windows system.

  • Step 3: Review the Service List

After executing the command, review the displayed list of services. Each service is accompanied by essential details such as its display name, service name, and status.

This is a sample of the output you'll receive.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-Service

Status   Name               Display Name

------   ----               -----------

Running  AcrSch2Svc         Acronis Scheduler2 Service

Running  AdobeUpdateService AdobeUpdateService

Running  afcdpsrv           Acronis Nonstop Backup Service

Running  AGMService         Adobe Genuine Monitor Service

Running  AGSService         Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Se...

Stopped  AJRouter           AllJoyn Router Service

Stopped  ALG                Application Layer Gateway Service

Running  AMD External Ev... AMD External Events Utility

Stopped  AppIDSvc           Application Identity

Stopped  Appinfo            Application Information

Stopped  AppMgmt            Application Management

Stopped  AppReadiness       App Readiness

Stopped  AppVClient         Microsoft App-V Client

Stopped  AppXSvc            AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)

Stopped  AssignedAccessM... AssignedAccessManager Service

Running  AudioEndpointBu... Windows Audio Endpoint Builder

Running  Audiosrv           Windows Audio

Stopped  AxInstSV           ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)

Stopped  BcastDVRUserSer... GameDVR and Broadcast User Service_...

Stopped  BDESVC             BitLocker Drive Encryption Service

Running  BFE                Base Filtering Engine

Running  BITS               Background Intelligent Transfer Ser...

Stopped  BluetoothUserSe... Bluetooth User Support Service_24d986

In the output, by default, you will see 3 main sections: Status, Name, and Display Name.

Now, if you want to search and list a particular service, you can filter out any parameters.

For example:

  • Show all services whose names start with wi:

Get-Service -Name wi*

  • Show all services whose display names start with win:

Get-Service -DisplayName win*

  • Note: If you want to access another computer through the network, you can see the list of services for that system with this command:

Get-Service -ComputerName Server1

An important part of service management is the management of Dependent Services.

  • To access the Dependency Services list for a specific service we can use the following command:

Get-Service -Name WinDefend -DependentServices

  • You can also use the Required Services parameter to get a list of service pre-requisites.

Get-Service -Name WinDefend - RequiredServices

So with the above commands, we can find the name of the service we are looking for, see the status and related services or its prerequisites. Now we want to explain the services’ management commands.

  • Step 1: Open PowerShell

Open PowerShell on your system. You can do this by searching for "PowerShell" in the Start menu and selecting the application.

Managing Windows services with PowerShell

Managing Windows services with PowerShell

  • Step 2: Identify the Service

Determine the name of the service you want to stop. This information is vital for executing the correct PowerShell command.

  • Step 3: Execute the Stop Command

To stop a service with PowerShell you can use the following command:

Stop-Service -Name Windefend

Ensure that in every PowerShell service scenario, you begin by opening PowerShell on your system. This can be done by searching for PowerShell in the Start menu and selecting the application. Afterward, identify the service and determine the name of the service you intend to stop. This information is crucial for executing the correct PowerShell command.

  • For starting a service in PowerShell you can use this command:

Start-Service -Name Windefend

  • One of the most commonly used commands to work with services is service restarting in PowerShell command. The structure of the service restarting command is as such:

Restart-Service -Name Windefend

  • And lastly, the following command is used to suspend a service in PowerShell temporarily.

Suspend-Service -Name Windefend

In certain scenarios, you may need detailed information about a specific service rather than a comprehensive list. PowerShell's Get-Service command comes in handy for obtaining detailed information about a particular service. Follow these steps to utilize this command effectively:

Execute the Get Service Command:

Use the following PowerShell command to get detailed information about a specific service:

Get-Service -Name "YourServiceName"

Replace "YourServiceName" with the actual name of the service you want to retrieve information about.

These are the most commonly used commands for service management in PowerShell. For more information about PowerShell commands and how they work, use the Get-Help command.

Windows servers can be run with Powershell, you can manage and run your services in Windows Server with PowerShell.

Before diving into advanced PowerShell tasks, ensure you're using the latest features and capabilities by verifying your software's currency. For a quick guide on how to do this, check out our article on Check PowerShell Version to stay up-to-date and make the most of your scripting experience.


PowerShell services refer to the capabilities within PowerShell that allow users to manage and control Windows services through command-line scripting. It provides a powerful and efficient way to interact with and manipulate services on a Windows system.

To get a list of services in PowerShell, use the command `Get-Service`. This command retrieves and displays a comprehensive list of all services running on your Windows system.

To check the status of a specific service in PowerShell, use the command `Get-Service -Name "YourServiceName"`. Replace "YourServiceName" with the actual name of the service you want to check. This command provides detailed information about the specified service, including its status.

PowerShell doesn't open services directly; rather, it allows you to interact with services through commands. To access services, open PowerShell, and use relevant commands like `Get-Service` to list services or specific commands like `Start-Service`, `Stop-Service`, or `Restart-Service` to manage individual services.

user monovm

Alanna Miller

2024, Oct, 24

Thanks for sharing such a comprehensive guide on managing Windows services with PowerShell. It's a valuable tool for anyone looking to streamline their system administration tasks. I especially appreciated the detailed step-by-step instructions and examples. It's clear that PowerShell offers a powerful and efficient way to handle services, and this guide is perfect for both beginners and more seasoned admins looking to enhance their skills. Looking forward to trying out these tips myself!