Pirkti VPS Serveriai

Mes pateikiame jums pilną kontrolę savo VPS serverį su garantuotu veiksnumo 99,99% ir dėl mastelio specifikacijas, susijusius su jūsų projekto galimybės.

Virtualus Privatus Serveris ( VPS ) yra virtuali mašina, kuri yra siūloma tau kaip paslauga, kur jūs turėsite visišką priėjimą įdiegti programinę įrangą, talpinimas failus, veikia programas ir daug daugiau. Mūsų VPS serveryje remiasi "VMware ESXi hypervisors talpinami pirmos klasės aparatūros kuris galintis sutalpinti keletą virtualių mašinų. Su ilgamete patirtį teikiant virtualūs serveriai, MonoVM garantuoja greičiausias ir aukščiausios kokybės paslaugas, naudojant aukščiausios kokybės įrangą esančią pasaulinio lygio duomenų centruose. Mums pavyko išlaikyti 99,99% uptime su iš IT ekspertai, kurie dirba 24x7 paremti mūsų klientams komandos pagalba. Mūsų duomenų centrai yra paskirstyti per 10 įvairių šalių, kad būtų galima pasirinkti patogiausią vietą. Galite užsisakyti arba nusipirkti VPS serverį internete su keliais mokėjimo šliuzai, pavyzdžiui, kreditinės kortelės , Paypal , Perfect pinigų , Webmoney , Bitcoin , daugiau ...
VPS Hosting vietos: JAV (San Chosė, Čikaga, Niujorkas), UK (Mančesteris), Olandija (Amsterdamas), Vokietija (Frankfurtas), Kanada (Monrealio), Prancūzija (Paryžius) ir šiek tiek daugiau

Mūsų VPS Hosting Plans

MonoVM VPS serverį planai yra sukonfigūruotas mūsų ekspertų susitikti geriausius naudingumo standartus ir efektyvumą.

(Rated 5.0 from 6 votes)

Windows VPS

Aukštos kokybės nuotolinio darbalaukio ryšys ir akimirksniu aktyvacijos.


$ 29.99/MO

Visas administratorius Svečiams
skiriamus išteklius
99,99% uptime
24x7 Pagalba
neribotą srautą
1 TB (Other locations)


Linux VPS

Greitas, saugus ir patikimas VPS paslaugą įprastinių konfigūracijų.


$ 5.99 /MO (billed semiannually)

Visas SSH prieiga
skiriamus išteklius
99,99% uptime
24x7 Pagalba
neribojamas srautas
1 TB (Other locations)


Hostingas VPS

Paleisti savo asmeninį tinklalapį Hosting su ištekliais.


$ 14.99/MO

Visas SSH prieiga
skiriamus išteklius
99,99% uptime
24x7 Pagalba
neribotą srautą
1 TB (Other locations)



Stumti savo VPS našumą už aparatūros galimybes tradicinių verpimo diskus.


$ 42.99/MO

Visas Administratorius / SSH prieiga
skiriamus išteklius
99,99% uptime
24x7 Pagalba
neribotą srautą
1 TB (Other locations)

+80000 Positive Feedback +80000 Positive Feedback
Money Back Guarantee Money Back Guarantee VPS Hosting
Speed Test VPS Speed

Kodėl MonoVM VPS Serveriai?

VPS suteikia jums aukštos klasės serveriai našumą, tuo pačiu sumažinant išlaidas. išleisti Padorus sumą serveriai. Su MonoVM VPS serveriai galite įdėti jūsų svetainę, paleisti hosting verslui ir dar daugiau.

Buy VPS Server

"VMware vSphere 6.0

Didelės galios Virtualizacija technologija, kuri naudoja serverio aparatūros ir IT bendrinimo tarp daugelio virtualių mašinų.

Buy VPS Online

Patikimas Serverio Aparatūra

Mes naudojame galingą SUPERMICRO ir "Intel" aparatinę įrangą, taip pat RAID technologija, kad kokybės, stabilumo ir saugojimo optimizavimas mūsų VPS serverius.

Buy VPS Hosting

VPS Serveriai OS Sąrašas

Mes teikiame Dauguma veislių Windows Server OS kaip Windows Server 2003, 2008 / R2, 2012 ir tt Mes taip pat teikiame Linux distribucijų kaip CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora ir tt Be to, mes teikiame Mikrotik operacinę sistemą.

35 vietos
1.2K serveriai
8.1K Vartotojų
99.8 Uptimes

Apie MonoVM VPS

Mes ne MonoVM rūpi mūsų klientų ir pasiūlyti Top-of-the-line prieglobos paslaugas. Jūsų pasitenkinimas, mes apimti šias funkcijas su visais mūsų VPS planus.

"Windows Remote Desktop

Visi Windows VPS planai apima visą administratoriaus Remote Desktop prieigą su galimybe įdiegti savo programinę įrangą. Mūsų rekomenduojami OS yra "Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2" ir 2012 m R2 ".

Visas SSH prieiga

Visi Linux VPS planai apima pilną priėjimą šaknų, pateiktą su SSH saugumo protokolą. Skirtingų versijų CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian ir kitų Linux distribucijų gali būti teikiama bet mes visada rekomenduojame naudoti naujausias stabilias versijas. Visi programinės įrangos ir talpinimas valdymo pultai galima montuoti ant jų.

Naudoja VPS

VPS gali būti naudojami bet kokiam tikslui jums pageidavimu Tačiau šie dažniausiai pasitaikančiu naudojimusi: web hostingas, veikia programas, kaip saugojimo serverį, kaip žaidimo serverį ir kaip atsarginį serverį.

VPS Speed Test (tinklo testas)

Spauskite čia norėdami išbandyti tinklo greitis Monovm VPS serveriai. Jūs būsite nukreipti į puslapį su įvairių VPS vietose. Pasirinkite vieną ir pradėti greičio testą.

Įmonių klasės aparatūros

MonoVM VPS serveriai paleisti ant high-end "Intel" ir SUPERMICRO mikro procesorių su saugojimo įrenginių, kurie neužpildė RAID 10 masyvų naudojant įmonių RAID valdikliai su integruotu SSD spartinimo optimizuotas pagal MonoVM technikai. Šie serveriai yra įrengta su dideliu rpm HDD, SSD ir net NVME VSD . Jie yra strategiškai įsikūrusi pirmos klasės duomenų centrų visame pasaulyje daugiau nei 10 šalių, kurios suteikia jums galimybę pasiimti Jūsų patogumui.


VPS Server Operating Systems

With all our VPS Server packages, you have the full freedom to pick your preferred operating system.

Windows Server

Buy VPS With Windows OS

At MonoVM, we understand that not everyone is a server expert. That's why we offer a variety of Windows Server options to choose from, including the latest versions like Windows Server 2022 and classics like Windows Server 2012. Need to access your server remotely? No problem! You can easily buy RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) access to your VPS plan. just pick the Windows version that best suits your needs, and we'll take care of the rest:

  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11


Buy VPS Server with Ubuntu OS

This popular Linux option is well-known for its reliability and ease of use, making it ideal for both developers and businesses. Here at MonoVM, we offer a variety of Ubuntu versions on our VPS plans. These solutions are suitable for individuals wanting the most recent features, as well as long-term support releases for people who value stability and security upgrades for years to come.

  • Ubuntu 18
  • Ubuntu 20
  • Ubuntu 22


Buy VPS Hosting with CentOS OS

If you need an affordable operating system for your VPS, try CentOS. It is a free and popular solution based on the same platform as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), which is known for its stability and security. Do you know where the best part is? CentOS receives necessary security upgrades for a full ten years, keeping your projects safe without the high cost.

  • Centos 7.9
  • Centos 8


VPS with Debian OS

Debian gives you access to a wide range of approximately 51,000 software packages. That's why it's the largest collection. While Debian's official repository only offers free software, you can also download and install non-free applications from Debian's repositories. Popular apps available include LibreOffice, Firefox web browser, Evolution mail client, GIMP image editor, and Evince document reader.

  • Debian 9.4
  • Debian 10
  • Debian 11

Alma linux

Alma Linux VPS

AlmaLinux is a 100% free and open-source Linux operating system. It came about as a result of the community's efforts to keep the spirit of CentOS alive after Red Hat made changes to their CentOS Linux distribution. The name "Alma" comes from the Spanish word for "soul," symbolizing the community's dedication to preserving CentOS's essence.

  • Alma linux 8.6
  • Alma linux 9


Fedora VPS

Fedora is another free and open-source Linux distribution that is famous for making major improvements in open-source technologies. This is useful for developers and anyone who likes to experiment with new technology. So, if you want to be involved in the open-source community, Fedora on MonoVM VPS is the ideal option.

Fedora 34


Suse VPS

This German company has been a leader in making Linux work for businesses since 1992, and they were the first! They follow a "professional open source" technique, which combines the advantages of open-source software (such as portability and affordability) with the reliability and support you would expect from a commercial solution.

Suse 15.1

Rocky linux

Rocky linux VPS

Rocky linux VPS Rocky Linux is a local project created in response to Red Hat's changes to the CentOS environment. Led by Gregory Kurtzer, this free and open-source Linux distribution aims to fill the gap created by CentOS's shift to CentOS Stream. Rocky Linux is designed to be fully compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), giving enterprises and users a dependable platform for their operations.

  • Rocky 8.4


Virtual Private Server (VPS) FAQs

Here are the most common questions we get from our customers. Hence we elaborated our FAQ to ensure you find answers as quickly as possible.

A virtual private server is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting service. Each virtual server on the same dedicated physical server has its own operating system, CPU, memory, and disk space.

A Windows VPS hosting is a service that provides virtual private servers running on Windows operating systems, offering users dedicated resources and administrative access to host websites, applications, or services.

A Linux VPS hosting is a service that offers virtual private servers running on Linux operating systems, providing users with dedicated resources and root access to host websites, applications, or services.

To buy VPS from MonoVM, follow these simple steps:

  • 1. Choose the operating system you want for your VPS.
  • 2. Select a plan that best fits your business requirements.
  • 3. Choose your preferred server location from our extensive network of more than 25 data centers worldwide.
  • 4. Select your desired payment method and proceed to checkout.
  • 5. After completing the payment, check your email for your VPS details.

Yes, you can typically change the operating system of your VPS server, although it may involve reinstalling the OS or migrating to a different VPS plan.

All our services support VPN, except RDP Account (No Admin Access). However, if any abuse is reported, the service will be suspended.

MonoVM VPS servers are located in multiple locations worldwide, including:
  • Chicago, USA
  • Florida, USA
  • Paris, France
  • Warsaw, Poland
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Sydney, Australia
  • Singapore, Singapore
  • Hongkong
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • USA Vps Server
  • Zurich, Switzerland
  • Montreal, Canada
  • Bucharest, Romania
  • Vienna, Austria
  • New York, USA
  • Stockholm, Sweden
  • Russia Vps
  • Dubai, UAE
  • Manchester, UK

There must be an acceptable reason for the change of server location. If you think it’s an acceptable reason, please get in touch with the support department.

For our VPS services at MonoVM, we use both VMware ESX Server and KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) virtualization technologies. Our virtualization systems guarantee our customers the best possible experience with their Virtual Private Servers by offering outstanding performance, isolation, and flexibility.

At MonoVM, we offer both managed and unmanaged VPS solutions to cater to the diverse needs of our customers. Our managed VPS plans include comprehensive management of the server environment, including updates, security, and technical support, allowing you to focus on your core business operations. Meanwhile, our unmanaged VPS plans provide more control and flexibility for users who are comfortable handling server administration tasks on their own.

We at MonoVM are proud to accept Bitcoin as a payment method for our VPS services. To purchase VPS from us using Bitcoin, simply select your desired plan, proceed to checkout, and choose Bitcoin as your preferred payment method.

When buying a VPS, first understand your needs. This includes storage capacity, bandwidth, and processing power. Secondly, investigate the service's reliability, reflected in their uptime guarantee. You need to consider the security measures they offer. Ensure they provide solid customer support and scalability options to allow for growth.

A virtual private server is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting service. Each virtual server on the same dedicated physical server has its own operating system, CPU, memory, and disk space.
VPS Hosting Tutorials

Discover our VPS hosting Knowledgebase, offering the latest tech updates, industry news, and in-depth tutorials. Stay ahead in the virtual private server realm and maximize your hosting experience.