Comprar VPS Servidor

Nós fornecemos-lhe pleno controle de seu servidor VPS com um uptime garantido de 99,99% e a possibilidade de escalar as especificações no que diz respeito ao seu projeto.

Virtual Private Server ( VPS ) é uma máquina virtual, que é oferecido a você como um serviço onde você terá acesso total a instalar o software, hospedagem de seus arquivos, execução de aplicativos e muito mais. Os nossos VPS servidor de hospedagem são baseados em hipervisores VMware ESXi hospedadas em hardware de primeira classe que é capaz de hospedar várias máquinas virtuais. Com anos de experiência no fornecimento de servidores virtuais, MonoVM garante o serviço mais rápido e mais alta qualidade utilizando hardware prémio localizado em centros de dados de classe mundial. Conseguimos manter um uptime de 99,99% com a ajuda de uma equipe de especialistas em TI que trabalham 24x7 para apoiar os nossos clientes. Os nossos centros de dados estão espalhados em 10 países diferentes, permitindo que você escolha o local mais conveniente. Você pode encomendar ou comprar servidor VPS online com múltiplos meios de pagamento, como cartão de crédito , Paypal , dinheiro perfeito , Webmoney , Bitcoin , mais ...
VPS Locais de hospedagem: EUA (San Jose, Chicago, New York), Reino Unido (Manchester), Holanda (Amesterdão), Alemanha (Frankfurt), Canadá (Montreal), França (Paris) e um pouco mais

Os nossos VPS planos de hospedagem

planos Servidor MonoVM VPS são configurados pelos nossos especialistas para atender aos melhores padrões de desempenho e eficiência.

(Rated 5.0 from 6 votes)

VPS do Windows

Alta qualidade acesso remoto ao desktop e ativação instantânea.


$ 16.99/MO

Acesso de administrador completo
Recursos dedicados
99,99% de disponibilidade
Suporte 24x7
Largura de banda ilimitada
1 TB (Other locations)


VPS Linux

serviço de VPS rápido, seguro e confiável, com configurações personalizáveis.


$ 5.99 /MO (billed semiannually)

Acesso SSH completa
Recursos dedicados
99,99% de disponibilidade
Suporte 24x7
Largura de banda ilimitada
1 TB (Other locations)


hospedagem VPS

Executar o seu site privado de hospedagem com recursos dedicados.


$ 14.99/MO

Acesso SSH completa
Recursos dedicados
99,99% de disponibilidade
Suporte 24x7
Largura de banda ilimitada
1 TB (Other locations)



Empurre o desempenho de seus VPS além das capacidades de unidades giratórias tradicionais de hardware.


$ 42.99/MO

Administrator Full / Acesso SSH
Recursos dedicados
99,99% de disponibilidade
Suporte 24x7
Largura de banda ilimitada
1 TB (Other locations)

+80000 Positive Feedback +80000 Positive Feedback
Money Back Guarantee Money Back Guarantee VPS Hosting
Speed Test VPS Speed

Por MonoVM VPS Servidor?

VPS dá-lhe o desempenho de servidores dedicados de high-end, enquanto minimiza o custo. gastar uma boa quantidade de servidores dedicados. Com servidores MonoVM VPS você pode hospedar seu site, executar hospedagem de negócios e muito mais.

Buy VPS Server

VMware vSphere 6.0

A tecnologia de virtualização de alta potência que usa hardware de servidor e compartilhável entre várias máquinas virtuais.

Buy VPS Online

Confiável de hardware do servidor

Usamos poderoso hardware Supermicro e Intel, bem como a tecnologia RAID para trazer qualidade, estabilidade e otimização de armazenamento para os nossos servidores VPS.

Buy VPS Hosting

Lista VPS Servidor OS

Nós fornecemos a maioria das variedades de Windows Server OS como Windows Server 2003, 2008 / R2 de 2012 etc. Nós também fornecemos distribuições Linux como Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, etc Além disso, nós fornecemos sistema operacional Mikrotik.

35 Localizações
1.2K servidores
8.1K Comercial
99.8 uptimes

Sobre MonoVM VPS

Nós da MonoVM preocupamos com nossos clientes e oferecer top-of-the-line de serviços de hospedagem. Para sua satisfação, que incluem os seguintes recursos com todos os nossos planos VPS.

Windows Remote Desktop

Todas as janelas VPS planos incluem completo administrador de desktop remoto acesso com a possibilidade de instalar o seu próprio software. Nossos OS recomendados são o Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2 e 2012 R2.

acesso SSH completo

Todos Linux VPS planos incluem acesso root completo fornecido com o protocolo de segurança SSH. Diferentes versões do CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian e outras distribuições Linux pode ser fornecido, mas nós sempre recomendo usar as versões mais recentes estáveis. Todos os softwares e painéis de controle de hospedagem pode ser instalado sobre eles.

Usa de um VPS

Um VPS pode ser usado para qualquer finalidade que você deseja, no entanto, estes são os usos mais comuns: web hosting, a execução de aplicativos, como um servidor de armazenamento, como um servidor de jogo e como um servidor de backup.

Teste de Velocidade VPS (Teste de rede)

Clique aqui para testar a velocidade da rede de servidores Monovm VPS. Você será redirecionado para uma página com diferentes locais VPS. Escolha um e começar o teste de velocidade.

hardware de nível empresarial

servidores MonoVM VPS executados no topo de gama Intel e Supermicro micro-processadores com dispositivos de armazenamento que são configurados no RAID 10 matrizes utilizando controladores RAID empresa com cache SSD integrado optimizado por técnicos MonoVM. Esses servidores estão equipados com HDDs rpm altos, SSDs e até mesmo NVMe SSD . Eles estão estrategicamente localizados em centros de dados de primeira classe em todo o mundo em mais de 10 países, que lhe dá a possibilidade de escolher para sua conveniência.


VPS Server Operating Systems

With all our VPS Server packages, you have the full freedom to pick your preferred operating system.

Windows Server

Buy VPS With Windows OS

Windows Server is a group of operating systems for servers that Microsoft has been developing since July 27, 1993. Windows Server 2022 or Windows Server 2022 Edition is the tenth and latest major long term servicing channel release of the Windows Server operating system by Microsoft, as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. When choosing to purchase a VPS from MonoVM, you have the freedom to select from an array of Windows Server operating systems, and if you need remote desktop access, you can also Buy RDP."
Operating Systems:

  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11


Buy VPS Server with Ubuntu OS

Ubuntu is a free and open-source operating system and Linux distribution based on Debian. Ubuntu is offered in three official editions: Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server and Ubuntu Core each having their own specific performances. There are new releases of Ubuntu every 6 months while the long-term support (LTS) releases occur once every two years.

  • Ubuntu 18
  • Ubuntu 20
  • Ubuntu 22


Buy VPS Hosting with CentOS OS

CentOS Linux is a community-supported distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by Red Hat for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Each CentOS version is maintained for up to 10 years by means of security updates. This results in a secure, low-maintenance, reliable, predictable and reproducible Linux environment.

  • Centos 7.9
  • Centos 8


VPS with Debian OS

Debian has access to online repositories that contain over 51,000 software packages making it the largest software compilation. Debian officially contains only free software, but non-free software can be downloaded and installed from the Debian repositories. Debian includes popular free programs such as LibreOffice, Firefox web browser, Evolution mail, GIMP image editor, and Evince document viewer.

  • Debian 9.4
  • Debian 10
  • Debian 11

Alma linux

Alma Linux VPS

AlmaLinux is a free, open-source Linux distribution that was created as a community-driven, RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) fork in response to Red Hat's decision to shift focus from CentOS Linux to CentOS Stream. The name "Alma" means "soul" in Spanish, reflecting the community's intention to continue the "soul" of CentOS.

  • Alma linux 8.6
  • Alma linux 9


Fedora VPS

Fedora is a free, open-source Linux distribution developed by the Fedora Project, which is sponsored by Red Hat. Fedora is known for its cutting-edge features, as it often incorporates the latest advancements in open-source software, making it a popular choice for developers, enthusiasts, and other users who enjoy experimenting with new technologies. The Fedora Project also serves as an upstream testing ground for many features that are later incorporated into Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).
Fedora 34


Suse VPS

SUSE is a German-based, multinational, open-source software company that develops and sells Linux products to business customers. Founded in 1992, it was the first company to market Linux for the enterprise. It operates on a professional open source model and is notable for its role in making Linux enterprise-ready.
Suse 15.1

Rocky linux

Rocky linux VPS

Rocky Linux is a free, open-source, community-driven Linux distribution that was created as a fork of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) in response to Red Hat's decision to shift focus from CentOS Linux to CentOS Stream. The project was founded by Gregory Kurtzer, who is also the co-founder of CentOS. Rocky Linux aims to provide a stable, enterprise-ready operating system that is fully compatible with RHEL and serves as a suitable replacement for CentOS Linux.

  • Rocky 8.4


Virtual Private Server (VPS) FAQs

Here are the most common questions we get from our customers. Hence we elaborated our FAQ to ensure you find answers as quickly as possible.

A virtual private server is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting service. With a VPS (Virtual Private Server), companies and individuals can hire a real server that has been divided into several virtual server instances. Each virtual server on the same dedicated physical server has its own operating system, CPU, memory, and disk space and superuser-level access creating an isolated environment from the other virtual servers. This is a clear and concise explanation of what a VPS is. Also, The virtual dedicated server or VDS has a similar meaning.

Windows VPS hosting is a type of Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting that uses the Windows operating system as its foundation. With Windows VPS hosting, the physical server is partitioned into multiple virtual servers using virtualization technology. Each virtual server operates independently with its own dedicated resources, such as CPU, RAM, storage, and an individual Windows-based operating system.

Advantages of Windows VPS Hosting
  • Familiarity: Windows is a widely used operating system, and many users are already familiar with its interface and management tools, making it easier to manage and maintain the VPS.
  • Compatibility: Windows VPS server supports various Microsoft technologies, such as ASP.NET, MSSQL, Microsoft Exchange, and Microsoft Access, which are essential for running specific applications and websites.
  • User-Friendly: The Windows operating system is known for its user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI), making it easier for users to manage their VPS without extensive command-line knowledge.
  • Remote Desktop Access: Windows VPS provides Remote Desktop access, allowing users to manage their servers remotely with ease.
  • Support: Windows VPS server is backed by Microsoft's support, ensuring that users have access to updates and patches.

Windows VPS hosting is an excellent choice for businesses and individuals who rely on Microsoft technologies, prefer a user-friendly interface, or require Remote Desktop access for managing their server.

Linux VPS hosting is a type of Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting that uses the Linux operating system as its foundation. In a Linux VPS environment, the physical server is partitioned into multiple virtual servers using virtualization technology. Each virtual server operates independently with its own dedicated resources, such as CPU, RAM, storage, and an individual Linux-based operating system.

Advantages of Linux VPS Hosting
  • Open-Source: Linux is an open-source operating system, which means it's free to use and has a large community of developers contributing to its development and security.
  • Flexibility and Customization: Linux offers a wide range of distributions, such as Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian, allowing users to choose the one that best fits their requirements. It also supports various web hosting control panels like cPanel/WHM and Plesk.
  • Stability and Performance: Linux is known for its stability, making it a reliable choice for hosting websites and applications. It often delivers better performance than its counterparts due to its efficient resource management.
  • Security: Linux has a strong security track record, and its open-source nature allows for continuous security updates and patches.

Linux VPS hosting is an excellent choice for web developers, system administrators, and users familiar with Linux environments or those who prefer open-source solutions.

You can use a Virtual Private Server (VPS) for a variety of purposes, including:

  • VPS For high-traffic website
  • VPS for applications (Docker Container, Node.js, Git, Laravel)
  • Hosting a file server
  • Hosting a database server
  • VPS for game server
  • Testing new environments
  • Hosting private backups
  • Hosting an email server
  • VPS for Forex VPS
  • VPS for VPN server
  • Browsing the internet and using it as a home computer
  • And many more

To purchase a VPS from MonoVM, follow these simple steps:

  • 1. First, choose the operating system you want for your VPS.
  • 2. Select a plan that best fits your business requirements.
  • 3. Choose your preferred server location from our extensive network of more than 25 data centers worldwide.
  • 4. Select your desired payment method and proceed to checkout.
  • 5. After completing the payment, check your email for your VPS details. All VPS services are provisioned instantly after payment.

By following these steps, you'll be able to quickly and easily set up your VPS with MonoVM.

Yes, you can change your operating system whenever you wish to. This can be done with ease from our VPS management control panel. You can access the control panel by logging into the Monovm client area. Usually, changing a Linux OS takes around 30 seconds.

Once the OS is changed, all the server data will be cleared out, and you will get a fresh server with the new OS.

Yes. You can use your custom operating system. You can upload your custom OS ISO file when you log in to our client area and get to the VPS Management control panel. Complete the installation, and your OS will be installed on your brand-new VPS.

Yes. We do provide VNC access to all our Linux VPS hosting clients. You can access your server by logging into our client area and going to the VPS management control panel. From here, you will get the chance to access your server via VNC (Virtual Network Computing).

On the internet, the most important thing is data, and we know this is a very critical issue for all our clients. We use SSD hard drives with RAID 10 Configuration to guarantee data security on our servers. RAID technology helps us to keep data secure even if we lose some of our SSD drives. Your data will be secured in all our VPS hosting servers.

All our services support VPN, except RDP Account (No Admin Access). However, if any abuse is reported, the service will be suspended.

VM is an acronym for virtual machine.

A virtual machine (VM) is a software-based simulation of a real computer that enables users to run various operating systems and applications on a single physical host while retaining isolation from other VMs and the host system.

Many different scenarios, including software testing, development, and effective resource management in data centers, make use of virtual machines.

MonoVM VPS servers are located in multiple locations worldwide, including:

  • Chicago, USA
  • Florida, USA
  • Paris, France
  • Warsaw, Poland
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Sydney, Australia
  • Singapore, Singapore
  • Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Los Angeles, USA
  • Zurich, Switzerland
  • Montreal, Canada
  • Bucharest, Romania
  • Frankfurt, Germany
  • Vienna, Austria
  • New York, USA
  • Stockholm, Sweden
  • Moscow, Russia
  • Dubai, UAE
  • Manchester, UK

There must be an acceptable reason for the change of server location. If you think it’s an acceptable reason, please get in touch with the support department.

To reboot your virtual machine with MonoVM, follow these steps: log in to your client area, navigate to the service page, and find the management section. Within the management section, locate and click on the Reboot button. This will initiate the reboot process for your virtual machine.

For our VPS services at MonoVM, we use both VMware ESX Server and KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) virtualization technologies.

Our cutting-edge virtualization systems guarantee our customers the best possible experience with their Virtual Private Servers by offering outstanding performance, isolation, and flexibility.

At MonoVM, we offer both managed and unmanaged VPS solutions to cater to the diverse needs of our customers. Our managed VPS plans include comprehensive management of the server environment, including updates, security, and technical support, allowing you to focus on your core business operations. Meanwhile, our unmanaged VPS plans provide more control and flexibility for users who are comfortable handling server administration tasks on their own.

We at MonoVM are proud to accept Bitcoin as a payment method for our VPS services. We offer a wide range of Crypto VPS hosting plans and provide our customers with the convenience of transacting using Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies for added privacy and security.

To purchase VPS from us using Bitcoin, simply select your desired plan, proceed to checkout, and choose Bitcoin as your preferred payment method.

We accept multiple cryptocurrencies as a payment gateway for our services. Once your crypto payment is confirmed, we will provide the services. You can check the feedback of over 80,000 customers who used crypto payments on our platform.

When purchasing a VPS, several factors should be taken into account. Firstly, understand your needs - this includes storage capacity, bandwidth, and processing power. Secondly, investigate the service's reliability, reflected in their uptime guarantee. Thirdly, consider the security measures they offer. Finally, ensure they provide solid customer support and scalability options to allow for growth.

Absolutely, most VPS providers, including MonoVM, allow you to customize your server to meet specific needs. You can select the desired amount of RAM, storage, and processing power, as well as the operating system. Tailoring your VPS configuration helps ensure optimal performance for your specific use case.
VPS Hosting Tutorials

Discover our VPS hosting Knowledgebase, offering the latest tech updates, industry news, and in-depth tutorials. Stay ahead in the virtual private server realm and maximize your hosting experience.