How to Improve the Performance of VPS?

Having a VPS is a perfect middle ground between shared hosting and dedicated hosting. Today we will show you how to improve the performance of VPS.

Updated: 14 Dec, 21 by Antoniy Yushkevych 4 Min

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How to make your virtual private server (VPS) more efficient. Virtual Private Servers (VPS) are one of the most cost-effective hosting options for expanding websites, offering equivalent functionality to a dedicated server at a reasonable price. While VPS gives decent overall performance out of the box, most users are unaware that a few basic optimizations, such as altering default settings and lowering a load, may greatly enhance the speed of their website. Here are five tips to help your VPS-hosted website perform at its best.

It's critical to note the vital role a virtual private server performs in your business's or website's performance as it develops or changes. Even if your Windows VPS or Linux VPS appears to be doing well, it's always a good idea to look into possible methods to improve its performance. Many software, such as Apache, have default settings that aren't acceptable for performance expectations.

1. Make use of a content delivery network (CDN)

Even though data moves at incredible speeds, going from location X to location Y takes time. The longer it takes for your website to load, the further it has to go. This implies that visitors from far away may not have the same quality of experience as those who are closer to your VPS's location. If you employ a content delivery network, which keeps your website's static data on a number of servers across the world, you can avoid this problem. When someone comes to your website, the majority of the information will come from the server location that is nearest to them. Although dynamic data must still be sent directly from your VPS, this may be done rapidly since it is not necessary to send out all of the data required to load the website. As a consequence, the visitor receives their web page considerably more quickly, which is beneficial to both them and you.

2. Configure Apache settings first

Apache is one of the first areas you should look for methods to improve your VPS. If Apache isn't set up properly, it might use up a lot of network resources, particularly on a VPS. KeepAlive, MaxClients, StartServers, and MaxRequestsPerChild are just a few of the options that may be modified to improve server performance.

3. Make use of caching

Caching is a very well-known strategy for reducing website loading times, and it may be used to VPS in the same manner that it is to other servers. The repeated queries for static files might place a strain on your resources and cause your website to slow down if you don't cache them. Caching these static files in RAM minimizes the demands on your server, allowing other operations to run faster and site loading times to be reduced.

4. Updating your MySQL version is essential

Keeping your MySQL version up to date is critical for ensuring that your VPS runs at top performance and is safe. Versions 5.1 and before have reached the end of their useful life and are no longer recommended or supported. Versions 5.5 or 5.6 are suggested for optimum performance, with 5.6 being one of the faster versions in terms of both read/write and read-only operations and processing time.

5. Make Your Content More Effective

The material sent by your server is a crucial aspect of its performance. There are a plethora of useful and free internet tools that can examine your website and suggest ways to enhance it. These tools, such as Google PageSpeed or, will give you speed and performance measurements as well as point out areas of your site and server that may be improved. These tools will assess your site based on a number of criteria and show you how to optimize both your back-end server settings and your front-end website setup.

If you've been having problems with the speed of your VPS-hosted webpage or are seeking methods to improve its performance, then the tips in this article will have taught you how to do so. Changing Apache settings, changing your MySQL version, utilizing a CDN, optimizing your content, and caching may all help your VPS-hosted website run better.

Antoniy Yushkevych

Antoniy Yushkevych

Master of word when it comes to technology, internet and privacy. I'm also your usual guy that always aims for the best result and takes a skateboard to work. If you need me, you will find me at the office's Counter-Strike championships on Fridays or at