What Is FTP? File Transfer Protocol | What is it Used for?

Do you know what is FTP? File Transfer Protocol and what FTP is used for? This post will guide you to learn about it

Updated: 04 Nov, 22 by Antoniy Yushkevych 6 Min

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File Transfer Protocol (i.e., FTP) has been around for much longer than HTTP (i.e., Hypertext Transfer Protocol), which you are using right now to connect to the Internet. It is even older than TCP/IP protocol, and over the 40+ years of its existence, it has been modified to fit the new standards in the industry.

Since the FTP specification was written in 1971, the first FTP clients were completely command-line programs, as they were developed before operating systems adopted GUIs. Nevertheless, countless GUI FTP clients have been designed for desktops, servers, and mobile devices. This guide has all the required information to understand FTP and its usage. We have divided the guide into two parts, so the first has all of the necessary details about what is FTP, what it is used for, and how it works.

it is an acronym of File Transfer Protocol, a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files between a client and a server across a computer network. Users can use FTP through a command-line interface such as DOS in Windows and Terminal in Linux & macOS. If that is not your cup of tea, you can also use one of many FTP clients available online, some even for free. Some browsers also allow you to download files using the protocol. It is possible to transfer any file with FTP; in some cases, it is even faster than HTTP. For example, here is a good article about how to install FTP Server on Ubuntu Server.

To log into an FTP server, you must enter a username, password, and FTP port number. By default FTP protocol is handled by ports number 20 and 21. There is also a possibility to anonymously access FTP servers, which we will elaborate on in the following paragraphs.

Anonymous FTP

Most public servers allow you to log in and download files via FTP by connecting anonymously. This does not mean that you are 100% anonymous, but that you use "anonymous" as the username and, in most cases, your email address as the password. You do not need an existing account to access the FTP server.

ASCII and Binary

There are two different forms that file transfers use over FTP: ASCII and binary. ASCII (i.e., American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a 7-bit character set that contains 128 characters. Any text-based file (e.g., HTML, .txt, PostScript files, etc.) is an ASCII file.

On the other hand, we have binary files with different structures that require different transfer types. These include images, applications, algorithmically generated packages such as .zip, and much more.

Nowadays, with an enormous variety of FTP clients available, almost any one of them will automatically detect the transfer mode based on your chosen files. Most clients will run in binary by default, using ASCII only when required. They do so because users can transfer ASCII and binary files through the binary method. However, if a binary file is transferred through ASCII, it will be corrupted. There is one small exception to the rule mentioned above. You must transfer CGI scripts through ASCII; otherwise, they will not work.

Browser FTP

Even though we highly recommend the use of an FTP client, sometimes a web browser might suffice. Once directed to an FTP server, you will have to log in, and you will be able to browse the server and download the files. Please note that using an FTP browser offers minimal functionality and has a much greater security risk than an FTP client.

There are different types of FTP servers and FTP clients, so here is the list of the most used server and clients: 

Most used FTP servers

Most Used FTP Clients

FileZilla Server






How does FTP Work

At the initial stage, an FTP connection requires two parties to establish and communicate on a specific network. A user requires permission to provide credentials to an FTP server, but some public FTP servers don't need any credentials for accessing the files. 

In establishing an FTP connection, two communication channels are needed: command channels and data channels. Command channels work to initiate specific responses and instructions. On the other side, data channels work as a platform for data distribution. 

An authorized user can use a protocol to request changes on the server for transferring files, and the server will allow access to this transfer procedure. This session is called an active connection mode, where users request changes and the server grant access. Active mode distribution may face issues when a firewall protects a user's system. Hence this firewall doesn't allow unauthorized sessions from any outer party. 

A passive mode is used when a user faces any issue, so a user must establish a command and data channel. After setting both channels, passive mode requests the server to listen instead of attempting to connect back to users. 

There are three different ways to establish an FTP connection quickly, and they are: 

1. Command-line FTP

A little programming knowledge can create convenience for the user because there are Command-line FTP for macOS, Windows, and Linux. Many developers prefer this method instead of others for transferring their files via FTP.

2. Graphical FTP Programs

This approach works to simplify a file transfer, as a user can easily drag and drop the files from one Window to another. In these programs, the user must provide an FTP host, username, and password to access it.  

3. Web Browser

This approach is easy because users can use a web browser to connect to their FTP address. Many users prefer the web browser approach as it is easier and more beneficial to access huge directories on a server. However, it is slightly slower and less reliable than a dedicated FTP program. 

So it was the brief of the File transfer protocol, with all details about What FTP is, what it is used for, and how it works, and we hope our given information will be helpful for you. As we have mentioned earlier,  the full form of FTP is File Transfer Protocol, which is used for transferring files from client to server.  We have also included details on the usage and working of FTP so that you can get complete information through our guide.

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Antoniy Yushkevych

Antoniy Yushkevych

Master of word when it comes to technology, internet and privacy. I'm also your usual guy that always aims for the best result and takes a skateboard to work. If you need me, you will find me at the office's Counter-Strike championships on Fridays or at a.yushkevych@monovm.com
user monovm

Monica Douglas

2024, Jun, 24

This is a fantastic and thorough guide on FTP! It's fascinating to see how FTP has evolved over the years and how many different clients and methods are now available to make file transfers easier and more efficient. The breakdown of ASCII vs. binary transfer modes and tips on using browsers versus dedicated FTP clients are especially helpful. Thanks for providing such detailed and practical information!