How to Setup Domain on VPS? [Quick and Easy]

Master VPS domain setup with our quick and easy step-by-step instructions. Get your domain running smoothly in no time.

Updated: 29 May, 24 by Susith Nonis 25 Min

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Are you ready to unleash the true potential of your online presence? Discover the power and freedom of setting up your domain on a VPS – a game-changing endeavour that will take your website to soaring heights! Suppose you've wondered how to setup domain on VPS and unlock unparalleled control over your web hosting environment. In that case, you're about to embark on an exciting journey to revolutionize how you navigate the digital landscape.

Picture this: your very own Virtual Private Server, a dedicated space on the internet where you call the shots, customize to your heart's content and ensure lightning-fast performance for your visitors—no more limitations from shared hosting plans or security concerns that keep you up at night. With a VPS at your disposal, you're in the driver's seat, with endless possibilities.

This comprehensive guide for how to setup domain name VPS walks you through every step, simplifying setting up your domain on a VPS. Whether you're a tech-savvy enthusiast eager to fine-tune every aspect or a complete newcomer taking your first steps into web hosting, we've got you covered. Get ready to elevate your website's potential, enhance user experiences, and seize the digital spotlight as we unveil the secrets of mastering the art of setting up a domain on VPS! Let's dive in and witness your web presence soar to new heights!


This section will teach you how to add domain to VPS. Transferring a domain to a VPS involves moving the domain's registration from one domain registrar to another. This process allows you to manage your domain and VPS hosting under the same provider, streamlining your online presence and simplifying administrative tasks.

Here's a guide on how to transfer a domain and how to set up domain in VPS and integrate it with your VPS hosting. To know the detailed steps to connect VPS hosting for different platforms, you can visit the How to Connect to VPS article.

Step 1: Choose a VPS Hosting Provider

 At the beginning of going through the steps related to how to setup domain on VPS, you shouldو Ensure you have a VPS hosting plan before initiating the domain transfer process. Select a reliable VPS provider that meets your website's requirements and offers seamless domain integration. You can go to Buy VPS Server to buy VPS hosting. If you also need free VPS, you can read How to get a free VPS server?

Step 2: Prepare for Domain Transfer

In this section, we will teach you how to create a domain in VPS and how to transfer it. To transfer your domain, you must ensure the domain is eligible for transfer. Check if your domain meets the following conditions:

  • The current registrar has registered it for at least 60 days.
  • The domain is unlocked for transfer and not under any registrar-lock status.
  • You can access the domain's administrative email address, as you'll receive important transfer-related information there.

Step 3: Obtain the Domain Transfer Authorization Code

In the third step, you must go through the steps related to how to setup domain on VPS, Retrieve the Authorization Code (an EPP code or transfer key) from your current domain registrar. This code validates the domain transfer and is required during the transfer process with the new registrar.

Step 4: Initiate the Domain Transfer with the VPS Provider

In this section on how to setup domain on VPS, we teach you how to connect VPS to domain.  Log in to your VPS hosting provider's control panel and navigate to the domain management section. Initiate the domain transfer by entering the domain name and Authorization Code. Follow the instructions provided by the VPS provider to begin the transfer process.

Step 5: Confirm Domain Transfer

 After initiating how to set up the domain on VPS, an email with a confirmation link will be sent to the domain's administrative email address. Click on the link to verify the domain transfer. Keep in mind that this step may vary depending on the VPS provider.

Step 6: Wait for Domain Transfer Completion

The domain transfer process can take anywhere from a few hours to several days, depending on various factors such as the domain extension (TLD) and the responsiveness of the current registrar. Avoid changing the domain settings to ensure a smooth transfer during this time.

Step 7: Update Domain DNS Settings on VPS

At this stage, how to setup domain on VPS is finished. Once the domain transfer is complete, update the DNS settings on your VPS to point to your website's files and data hosted on the server. This step ensures visitors are directed to the correct content on your VPS when they access your domain.

Congratulations! You learned how to setup domain on VPS. After doing these things, you learned how to set up VPS server. Your website is seamlessly integrated with your VPS; visitors can access it using your domain name. Enjoy the benefits of streamlined management, enhanced performance, and complete control over your online presence!

After completing the steps related to how to setup domain on VPS, You should go to How to point a domain on VPS hosting. Pointing a domain to VPS hosting is configuring your domain's DNS settings to direct incoming traffic to your Virtual Private Server (VPS). By associating your domain name with the VPS's IP address, visitors who enter your domain in a web browser will be directed to the content hosted on your VPS.

This enables you to leverage the resources and performance benefits of VPS hosting while maintaining complete control over your website's environment. Setting up the domain on your VPS is a crucial step that ensures your website is accessible and takes advantage of the flexibility and customization options provided by VPS hosting.

Find out your current domain pointing.

After learning how to setup a domain on VPS, you should find out the current Domain pointing refers to determining where your Domain is directing incoming traffic or which server's IP address is associated with your domain name. This information is crucial for ensuring visitors reach the intended destination when they enter your Domain in a web browser.

To discover your Domain's current pointing status after learning how to set up domain on VPS, you need to access the DNS (Domain Name System) settings for your Domain. The DNS is like a phonebook of the internet, translating human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses, which help route users to the correct web server hosting the website.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find out your current domain pointing after how to setup domain on VPS:

Access Your Domain Registrar's Control Panel

Log in to the control panel or dashboard provided by the domain registrar where you purchased your Domain. You'll need your account credentials for this step.

Locate DNS Management or DNS Settings

Look for the section related to DNS management or DNS settings in the control panel. Different registrars might have slightly different names for this section.

Check 'A' Record (Address Record)
In the DNS settings, find the 'A' (Address) record, the most crucial for pointing your Domain. A record links your domain name to an IP address. Verify the IP address listed in the 'A' record, as this is the current pointing destination for your Domain.

Additional Records

In addition to the 'A' record, you may also see other DNS records, such as 'CNAME' (Canonical Name), 'MX' (Mail Exchange), and 'NS' (Name Server) records, among others. These records serve various purposes, such as handling email delivery or subdomains.

Consider Additional Subdomains

If you have set up subdomains for your Domain, check the DNS settings for each subdomain. Subdomains might have 'A' records pointing to different IP addresses or servers.

Verify Domain Pointing

Once you've located the 'A' record and verified the associated IP address, you'll know where your Domain is currently pointing. This information ensures that visitors are directed to the correct server when they access your website.

Remember that how to setup domain on VPS, and DNS changes, including Domain pointing updates, can take some time to propagate across the internet. It's normal for DNS changes to take a few minutes to a few hours to become fully effective worldwide. If you're uncertain about how to setup domain on VPS, and your Domain's current pointing status or encounter any issues, don't hesitate to reach out to your domain registrar's support team for assistance. They can guide you through the process and help you ensure that your Domain points correctly to the desired server or hosting provider.

Choose a technique for adding DNS Entry.

Adding a DNS entry can be done through various techniques. Still, one of the most common and user-friendly methods is using the control panel or dashboard provided by your domain registrar or hosting provider. Here's a step-by-step guide using this technique on how to add DNS entry:

Log in to Your Control Panel or Dashboard

Access the control panel or dashboard your domain registrar or hosting provider provides. You'll need your account credentials to log in.

Find DNS Management or DNS Settings

Look for the section related to DNS management or DNS settings. Depending on your provider, this section might be labelled as "DNS Management," "DNS Settings," "Zone Editor," or something similar.

Select 'Add New DNS Entry' or 'Add Record'

Once in the DNS management section, find the option to add a new DNS entry or record. Click on it to proceed.

Choose the DNS Record Type

 Select the type of DNS record you want to add. Common DNS record types include 'A' (Address), 'CNAME' (Canonical Name), 'MX' (Mail Exchange), 'TXT' (Text), and 'NS' (Name Server).

Enter the Details

Enter the necessary details for the new DNS entry depending on the DNS record type you chose. For example, if you add an 'A' record, you must provide the IP address where the domain should point. If it's a 'CNAME' record, you'll need to specify the canonical name or alias for the domain.

Set TTL (Time to Live)

TTL determines how long other servers cache DNS information. Choose an appropriate TTL value. A common value is 3600 seconds (1 hour) during the initial setup.

Save the New DNS Entry

 Once you've filled in the required details, click on the "Save," "Add," or "Create" button to save the new DNS entry.

Verify and Wait for Propagation

 Verify that the new DNS entry is listed correctly in the DNS management section. Remember that DNS changes may take some time to propagate across the internet. The changes can take a few minutes to a few hours to take effect worldwide.

Using your domain registrar's or hosting provider's control panel, you can efficiently manage your DNS settings and add various DNS entries to configure your domain. This technique is user-friendly and commonly used by website owners and administrators for DNS management.

Locate the value of your current A record.

To locate the value of your current A record for a domain, you can perform a DNS lookup using various methods, depending on your operating system. Here are the steps using the "dig" command in the terminal on our guide to setup the domain on VPS:

Open the terminal on your computer.

Type the following command and replace "" with your actual domain name:

  • For Linux/macOS:

dig A

  • For Windows (using Command Prompt):


  • For Windows (using PowerShell):


Press "Enter" to execute the command.

The output will display the current A record's value, the IP address associated with your domain. Look for the line with "A" and the IP address.

For example, the output might look like this:

; <<>> DiG 9.16.15-Debian <<>> A

; global options: +cmd

  • Got answer

; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 49290

; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1


;   IN      A

  • ANSWER SECTION:    3600 IN      A  <-- This is the current A record value (IP address)

    • Query time: 10 msec
    • SERVER:
    • WHEN: Tue Jul 27 12:34:56 EDT 2023
    • MSG SIZE  rcvd: 59  

In this example, the A record for "" points to the IP address "". Replace "" with your actual domain name to get the IP address associated with your current A record.

Conducting a DNS checkup

In the previous sections, we went through the steps on how to setup domain on VPS, but in this section, we are going to conduct a DNS checkup. Conducting a DNS checkup involves reviewing and verifying the configuration of your Domain Name System (DNS) settings for a domain. DNS is a critical component of the internet that translates human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses, allowing users to access websites and services using memorable names.

Follow these steps for Conducting a DNS checkup: 

DNS Records Review

 Log in to your domain registrar or hosting provider's control panel and navigate to the DNS management section. Review the various DNS records associated with your domain, such as 'A' (Address) records, 'CNAME' (Canonical Name) records, 'MX' (Mail Exchange) records, 'TXT' (Text) records, and 'NS' (Name Server) records. Ensure that the records are correctly configured and up-to-date.

IP Address Validation

 Verify that the 'A' records correctly point to the intended IP addresses of your web servers. Ensure all up-to-date and correct IP addresses are associated with your domain.

Subdomain Check

If you use subdomains (e.g.,, review the 'A' or 'CNAME' records for each subdomain. Confirm that they are correctly pointing to the appropriate servers or destinations.

Email Configuration

Check the 'MX' records to ensure they are correctly configured to handle your domain's email delivery. Verify that the email servers associated with your domain are functioning correctly.

SPF and DKIM Records

 Review the 'TXT' records, especially those related to SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) authentication. These records help prevent email spoofing and ensure better email deliverability.

Name Server Validation

 Confirm that the 'NS' records accurately point to the correct name servers provided by your hosting provider or domain registrar. Accurate name server settings are essential for resolving your domain correctly.

TTL Settings

 Check your DNS records' TTL (Time to Live) values. Keeping TTL values at a reasonable level is advisable to facilitate DNS changes and updates.

DNS Propagation Check

 If you recently made DNS changes, you can use online DNS propagation tools to check the status of DNS propagation.

In this section, we will teach you how to configure domain in VPS and how to set up the VPS server. Configuring domain settings to direct it to a VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting environment using custom nameservers involves setting up private nameservers associated with your domain and pointing those custom nameservers to your VPS's IP addresses. This process gives you greater control over your DNS management and improves the DNS resolution performance for your domain. 

Create a custom Nameserver.

In this section, we will teach you how to create your own VPS domain name. Creating a custom nameserver involves setting up your authoritative nameservers associated with your domain name. This process allows you to have personalized and branded nameservers, enhancing your brand's identity and providing better control over your DNS management. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a custom nameserver:

Choose a Domain Registrar with Custom Nameserver Support

Ensure that your domain registrar allows you to create custom nameservers. Not all registrars offer this feature, so verifying this before proceeding is essential.

Log in to Your Domain Registrar's Control Panel

Access the control panel or dashboard provided by your domain registrar and log in using your account credentials.

Navigate to the Nameserver or DNS Management Section

 In the control panel, find the nameserver or DNS management section. This section's exact location and name may vary depending on your registrar.

Create Your Custom Nameserver

 In the nameserver or DNS management section, look for an option to create or add custom nameservers. Typically, you must enter the hostname (e.g., and its corresponding IP address.

Choose Unique Hostnames

 Decide on unique and memorable hostnames for your custom nameservers. Common choices include "ns1" and "ns2," but you can choose any name that suits your brand or preferences.

Assign IP Addresses to the Custom Nameservers

 Once you've chosen your hostnames, associate the IP addresses of your server or VPS where the nameserver software will run. Your hosting provider will provide you with the IP addresses to use.

Register the Custom Nameservers

 Submit the details of your custom nameservers to your domain registrar for registration. This process might involve contacting customer support or using a designated form within the control panel.

Set Up DNS Software on the Server

 Log in to your server or VPS and set up DNS server software such as BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) or any other DNS software you choose.

Configure DNS Zone Records

Within the DNS server software, create the necessary DNS zone records for your domain and any additional subdomains you want to use. These include 'A' records, 'CNAME' (Canonical Name) records, 'MX' (Mail Exchange) records, and any other required records for your services.

Verify and Test the Custom Nameservers

 Once the DNS records are set up and propagated, test your custom nameservers using online DNS lookup tools or the 'nslookup' command on your computer. Ensure that the nameservers are resolving to the correct IP addresses.

By creating a custom nameserver, you establish your own authoritative DNS infrastructure, which provides more control and flexibility over your domain's DNS settings. Additionally, custom nameservers contribute to a professional and branded online presence, making it easier for users to associate your domain with your unique brand identity.

Set up a DNS zone on VPS.

Setting up a DNS zone on a VPS (Virtual Private Server) involves installing and configuring DNS server software to act as an authoritative nameserver for your domain. This process allows you to manage DNS records, translate domain names into IP addresses, and handle DNS queries for your domain. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set up a DNS zone on a VPS:

Choose DNS Server Software: Select a DNS server software for your VPS. Popular choices include BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), PowerDNS, NSD (Name Server Daemon), or Unbound. BIND is widely used and suitable for most purposes.

Access Your VPS

 Log in to your VPS using SSH (Secure Shell) or any other method your hosting provider provides.

Update and Upgrade

 Before installing any software, update the package list and upgrade existing packages to ensure your VPS is up to date:

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

Install DNS Server Software

Install the chosen DNS server software. For example, to install BIND on Ubuntu:

Sudo apt install bind9

Configuration Files

 BIND configuration files are usually in the "/etc/bind" directory. Edit the primary configuration file, typically named "named.conf" or "named.conf.options," to customize your DNS settings:

sudo nano /etc/bind/named.conf

Create DNS Zone File

Next, create a DNS zone file for your domain. This file will contain DNS records for your domain. A typical zone file is named after your domain with a ".db" extension. For example, if your domain is "":

sudo nano /etc/bind/

Add DNS Records

 Add the necessary DNS records for your domain in the DNS zone file. Common forms include 'A' (Address) records to map domain names to IP addresses, 'CNAME' (Canonical Name) records for aliases, 'MX' (Mail Exchange) records for email routing, and 'TXT' (Text) records for various purposes. Refer to the documentation of your DNS server software for the correct syntax of each record type.

Configure the Zone in named.conf

 In the primary configuration file ("named.conf"), add a zone definition for your domain to include the zone file you created. For example:

zone "" {

type master;

file "/etc/bind/";


Restart the DNS Server

 After making changes, restart the DNS server to apply the configurations:

sudo service bind9 restart   # Use the appropriate command for your DNS server software.

Verify DNS Resolution

 Finally, verify that your DNS server works correctly by testing domain resolution using DNS lookup tools or the 'nslookup' command on your computer.

By setting up a DNS zone on your VPS, you establish an authoritative nameserver for your domain, allowing you to manage DNS records and handle DNS queries efficiently. This lets you control your domain's DNS settings and improve website performance and accessibility.

Change the Nameservers

To change the nameservers associated with your domain, follow these steps:

Log in to Your Domain Registrar's Control Panel

 Access the control panel or dashboard provided by your domain registrar. You'll need your account credentials to log in.

Find DNS Management or Nameserver Settings

 Look for the section related to DNS management or nameserver settings in the control panel. This section's exact location and name may vary depending on your registrar.

Locate the Current Nameservers

You'll find the current nameservers associated with your domain in the DNS management or nameserver settings section. These are typically provided by your domain registrar or hosting provider.

Replace Existing Nameservers with New Ones

Enter the new nameserver information provided by your new hosting provider or DNS service. You will typically need to enter at least two nameservers, such as "" and "" If your provider gave you IP addresses for the nameservers, you can associate them with the corresponding names.

Save Changes

After entering the new nameserver information, click the "Save" or "Update" button to save the changes. This action will update the nameserver settings for your domain.

DNS Propagation

 DNS changes take some time to propagate across the internet. It can take a few minutes to several hours for the changes to take effect. During this period, some users might still see the old nameservers.

Verify Nameserver Change

 To confirm that the nameserver change is successful, you can use online DNS lookup tools or the 'nslookup' command on your computer to check the nameservers associated with your domain. It should reflect the new nameserver information you entered.

It's important to note that changing nameservers can affect the website and email services associated with the domain. Therefore, ensure that you have set up the new nameservers correctly with your new hosting provider or DNS service to avoid any disruption in your services.

Also, remember that DNS propagation might take different amounts of time depending on various factors, including your domain registrar, DNS caching by ISPs, and your DNS records' TTL (Time to Live) settings. Be patient, and once the propagation is complete, your domain will be pointed to the new nameservers, and visitors will be directed to the appropriate server or hosting environment.

In conclusion, setting up a domain on a VPS (Virtual Private Server) is a fundamental and empowering process that allows website owners to harness the full potential of their online presence. Following the step-by-step guide, you can seamlessly configure your domain's DNS settings to direct traffic to your VPS's IP address.

This enables you to take advantage of the performance, customization, and control benefits that VPS hosting offers. With your domain now successfully pointing to your VPS, you are well-equipped to deliver a seamless and reliable experience to your website visitors. Embrace the possibilities of VPS hosting and enjoy the freedom to shape your online presence according to your unique vision and needs. Your domain on a VPS paves the way for an enhanced digital journey and a flourishing online venture.

Susith Nonis

Susith Nonis

I'm fascinated by the IT world and how the 1's and 0's work. While I venture into the world of Technology, I try to share what I know in the simplest way with you. Not a fan of coffee, a travel addict, and a self-accredited 'master chef'.