Why You Should Use WordPress for Your Website

Creating and managing a website is no easy task, however, a CMS makes the job much simpler. Today we will show you why you should use WordPress for your website.

Updated: 21 Oct, 24 by Susith Nonis 6 Min

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Do you want to have a website up on the internet? Let’s say you already thought of and registered a catchy and unique domain name. You even got yourself a server to host the site but now you are unsure of how to proceed next. Anyone who has ever published their own website has been in this predicament.

If you are not a trained web developer and you do not wish to shed out thousands of dollars for a team of professionals to do it for you, there is only one choice. Get yourself a website builder and a content management system. Today, we will introduce WordPress, the CMS of choice for the majority of website publishers.

WordPress was initially started as a blogging tool, but after some time it has evolved itself into one of the most robust website builders and an extremely efficient content management system (i.e., CMS). It is astonishingly easy to use and flexible enough to make a novice feel like a pro in the website building process. This is the exact reason why over 34 % of websites are made through WordPress on the internet.

What’s even more impressive is that WordPress absolutely dominates the CMS market, hosting 62% of websites that use a content management system. The closest competitor, Shopify, takes the silver medal by hosting only 5.4% of CMS-using sites. In fact, its popularity makes WordPress the “most popular CMS” seven years in a row.

Let’s have a deeper insight on what features and benefits the CMS has, answering the question of why you should WordPress. Psst! With our WordPress optimized hosting, you can host your WordPress website on hardware that was specifically designed to host WordPress sites.

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WordPress is Free

Most of the features and options provided by WordPress are free, and you only have to pay a small amount to upgrade to professional tools.

WordPress itself is also free to install and you can additionally install plugins and modify it according to your needs. All you need to shell out for is a domain name and a web hosting service. Otherwise, everything else is taken care of by WordPress.

Beginner Friendly

Traditional website building requires in-depth knowledge of both back-end and front-end development. Managing such a site also requires plenty of sysadmin knowledge and experience. Luckily, for people that want to have a site up on the internet and do not wish to spend years learning such skills first, WordPress is there to save the day.

Thanks to the hundreds of thought-out templates and easy-to-use customization features, there is no need to write even a single line of code in order to build a full-fledged website when using WordPress. The only thing required is some basic computer and web hosting knowledge that can be acquired within few hours, as well as willingness to go through some trial and error.

Easy-to-customize Themes and Plugins

The majority of people who turn to WordPress for their website-building are generally acquainted with typical computer knowledge and have little to no experience in software engineering or web development. It that is you, worry not.

There are thousands of free templates and themes available at your disposal. Most of the themes come with an options panel where you can choose the colors, create new webpages, customize different elements of the page, and much more without the need to write any code.

Plugins are one of the most appealing features of WordPress. They allow you to make your website an innovative platform, fulfilling nearly all the modern requirements. Want to create an e-commerce site? There’s a plugin for that. Need to have a ticketing support system? Install a plugin that does just that. You get the gist of it.

Easy to Manage

There is a built-in system to manage and update your website. You can go on the admin dashboard to update the plugins of your choice. You receive notifications on the availability of new updates regarding your plugins. You can then update the plugins by simply clicking on a button.

Adding new pages, blogs, or any type of content to your site is also quite a simple task thanks to WordPress’s intuitive menus and user-friendly interface.

SEO Friendly

The websites built with WordPress are made according to the standard compliance regarding high-quality code. Therefore, you get semantic markup on google and other search engines. This is the reason that the websites created on WordPress are ranked higher.

Additionally, there are plenty of SEO (i.e., search engine optimization) plugins to make your website optimized for Google as well as other search engines. You can find free guides on the internet, to take you through the process of optimizing your website for search engines.

Safe and Secure

The most important feature on WordPress is safety regarding your website. There are plugins and features on the WordPress platform that provide you protection against malware and brute force attacks.

The Huge WordPress Community

Last but not least, there is a plethora of forums where you can ask questions relating to any issues you might face and have them answered by experienced or even professional WordPress users.  Also, do not forget about the thousands of tutorials that show you how to do just about anything on this CMS.

As we mentioned previously, WordPress was originally designed to be a tool for creating blogs. Since then, however, it has expanded its horizons and now allows users to:

  • Start an online forum.
  • Make a business website.
  • Launch an online store.
  • Build a membership website.
  • Sell online courses and much more.

These are just a few reasons form a wide list of benefits and features which attracts to this platform. We hope that this detailed blog has helped you decide whether WordPress is the right content management system for your needs. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave them in the comment section below.

Susith Nonis

Susith Nonis

I'm fascinated by the IT world and how the 1's and 0's work. While I venture into the world of Technology, I try to share what I know in the simplest way with you. Not a fan of coffee, a travel addict, and a self-accredited 'master chef'.