Vim editor vs Nano editor

Vim/Vi editor vs Nano editor, In this tutorial, we will go through a deep dive into the comparison between Vi and Nano text editors. Both are very powerful software available on almost all Linux systems. Read along to learn more!

Updated: 30 Nov, 24 by Susith Nonis 12 Min

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For any developer, choosing the right text editor can be a game-changer. This decision impacts the efficiency and workflow of a developer. There are many text editors, but in this guide, we want to compare Vim and Nano editors. Both of them have specific features, use cases, and strengths which we talk about. After reading this blog post, you’ll be able to choose the best text editor that fits your needs. 

Vim, which is the improved version of Vi, has been one of the most popular text editors for developers for years and it is considered as best code editor. In another blog post, we compared Vi vs Vim and mentioned that Vim has so many more features than Vi text editor. You can install Vim on Linux systems easily and benefit from a wide range of features for coding and scripting. Anyone can learn how to work with Vim, but if you want to be fully mastered at it, it takes time. 

Vim Features 

The features that made Vim stand out include:

  • Modal Editing: Vim offers specific modes that can be used for tasks like inserting text, navigating, and selecting. These modes make the editing process easier for you.   
  • Customizability: Vim lets you customize everything so you can make it ideal tailored to your needs. 
  • Efficiency and Performance: As soon as you learn how to work with Vim, you can complete complex tasks with that. This feature is awesome for larger projects. 

Vim Challenges 

While Vim is so powerful, it has some challenges too! One of its drawbacks is its steep learning curve. It offers so many modes that are useful for many tasks, but all of them include unique commands that you should learn. Learning them can be hard for new users. Plus, the vast customization options of Vim, while so useful for experienced users, can be overwhelming for beginners. These challenges make it hard to get comfortable with Vim right away. 

So, now let’s answer what is the Nano text editor. Unlike Vim, Nano is suitable for beginners due to its user-friendly interface. Also, its commands are easier to learn. Without a steep learning curve or complicated setup, you can start editing text right away. Anyone can work with it quickly and efficiently due to its straightforward design. 

Nano Features

The features that made Nano a popular text editor include:

  • Simplicity: Nano is simple to use and this feature makes it a lovely choice for beginners and people who want a no-fuss editor.
  • User-Friendly: You don’t need to customize configurations or plugins with Nano. It is accessible right from the start.
  • Familiar Interface: Nano is just like other familiar editors like Notepad. You can jump in with ease!

Nano Challenges

While Nano is simple to use and has a beginner-friendly interface, it has some limitations. Unlike Vim which offers many advanced features for completing complex tasks faster, Nano has basic facilities. So, it’s not a good choice for large projects that need an advanced higher level of customization. It’s only good for quick edits. 

Now you know the main differences between Nano and Vim text editors. We prepared a table showcasing a quick overview of Vim vs Nano:










Learning Curve










Simple on Linux        

Simple on Linux        

Editing Modes

Modal (multiple modes)

Single (no modes)      

User Interface


Simple, familiar       

Plugins and Extensions

Wide support         

Limited support        

Keyboard Shortcuts

Extensive, complex     

Basic, intuitive       

Ideal For

Advanced users, complex tasks

Beginners, simple tasks

File Navigation

Advanced, efficient    


Multifile Editing




Complex, multiple levels

Simple, single-level

Syntax Highlighting

Advanced, customizable syntax highlighting for many languages                            

Basic, easy-to-understand syntax highlighting           

User Community

Large, active community with extensive resources and tutorials                           

Smaller, less active community, fewer resources         

Now that you know what are Nano and Vim text editors, it’s time to take a more detailed look at their key differences. Here you can see a comprehensive comparison of Nano vs Vim. 

1- Community and Support

When you want to decide to choose a text editor, it’s good to consider its active community. When an editor has a bigger community, it means there are more tutorials, tips, and help forums available for that. In this way, you can find the answer to your problems easier and faster.

Vim has had a big active community for a long time. On the other hand, Nano’s community is smaller and it may be harder to find troubleshooting tips and advice. However, there are groups and helpful forums available, but not as big as Vim’s.

2- Speed and Performance

The speed of a text editor is very important when editing big files or completing complex tasks. Do you know why Vim is considered super-fast and efficient? Because it offers a wide range of modes that enable you to fly through files, open multiple windows and tabs, and easily format and organize your code. These features make this text editor fast for complex and big projects. Nanor is simpler to use and needs fewer resources to run. That’s why it can be used more easily on almost any computer. For basic tasks, Nano is fast but for complex and big ones it can be slower as it doesn’t have additional macros and plugins. 

3- Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are an important factor in text editors as they can make editing so faster. Vim has a complex shortcut system which is harder to learn. But when you learn the shortcuts, you can edit text faster and simpler. We’ll identify some common Vim shortcuts later. Unlike Vim, Nano’s keyboard shortcuts are much simpler just like other computers’ shortcuts. That’s why Nano is easy to use anywhere. 

4- Syntax Highlighting

Syntax highlighting may seem unimportant, but it can be useful for reading codes and other text formats easily. This feature enables you to color specific parts of the text. As a result, you can recognize those specific parts easier and faster. Vim automatically highlights a wide range of programming languages and file formats. You can even change the colors to your preference. Nano has a syntax highlighting feature too, but it's more basic and less flexible. 

All you need to do is open a text-based file in both text editors and start editing easily. Simply type the editor's name followed by the file path:

vim Documents/text.txt

nano Documents/text.txt

Now, let’s take a look at their common keyboard shortcuts. 

Keyboard shortcuts of Vim

Vim has different modes each performs unique tasks and has specific keyboard shortcuts. 

Normal Mode: The default mode is Normal Mode. In this mode, the following keyboard shortcuts are useful:

  • h: Move left
  • j: Move down
  • k: Move up
  • I: Move right
  • W: Move to the start of the next word
  • b: Move to the beginning of the previous word
  • e: Move to the end of the current word
  • :q!: Quit without saving

Insert Mode: Allows text entry (activated by pressing `i`).

Command-Line Mode: Execute commands like saving and quitting (`:wq` to save and close).

By clicking here you can learn How to Save & Exit in VIM Editor?

Keyboard shortcuts for Nano

In Nano, keyboard shortcuts are displayed at the bottom of the window. So, you don’t need to remember them. Common Nano shortcuts are:

  • Ctrl + O: Save
  • Ctrl + X: Exit
  • Ctrl + K: Cut the current line
  • Ctrl + U: Undo the last action
  • Ctrl + F: Move forward one character
  • Ctrl + B: Move backward one character
  • Alt + U: Undo the last action
  • Ctrl + ←: Move one word left
  • Ctrl + →: Move one word right

There’s no certain answer when deciding to choose a text editor because there are many factors to consider. For example, you should consider your experience level, project needs, and whether you prefer a minimalistic or feature-rich editing environment. Here we mention each editor’s use cases to help you make the best decision:

  1. Nano, For Beginners and Quick Edits: Are you a beginner and want an intuitive, straightforward editor for quick, simple text modifications? Nano is easy to set up, learn, and use. For simple tasks, it’s a fantastic and effective editor that can make you happy.  
  2. Vim, For Advanced Users and Complex Projects: Vim is the best Linux editor for advanced users who want to edit bigger projects and need more features. For bigger projects, a more powerful and customizable editor is required. Vim can fulfill these needs. Although it needs more time and effort to learn, it’s completely worth it for advanced users as it can make managing complex tasks so much easier. 

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For advanced users who need more features and want to work on big projects, Vim is better than Nano.

As programmers and system administrators need more and advanced capabilities, they use Vim.

As Nano is more basic and is suitable for all people, itā€™s more popular. Also, it is built-in on most Linux distributions so more people are familiar with it.

Susith Nonis

Susith Nonis

I'm fascinated by the IT world and how the 1's and 0's work. While I venture into the world of Technology, I try to share what I know in the simplest way with you. Not a fan of coffee, a travel addict, and a self-accredited 'master chef'.

user monovm

Mr. Dell Ruecker V

2024, Jul, 24

Great overview of the Vim and Nano text editors! Both have their strengths depending on what you need. Vim's advanced features and speed make it ideal for developers and power users, while Nano's simplicity is perfect for quick edits or for those new to terminal-based text editing. Your post makes it clear that it ultimately comes down to personal preference and specific use cases. Thanks for the insights!

user monovm

Dangelo Funk

2024, Aug, 24

This is a great breakdown of Vim and Nano. Both editors have their strengths and it's all about what fits your needs best. For beginners, Nano's simplicity is fantastic, but as you get more comfortable with command-line editing, Vim's powerful features and speed can be a game changer. I've found that spending a bit of time learning Vim's basics really pays off in the long run. Thanks for the detailed comparison!