Web Hosting vs Cloud Hosting

Web hosting and cloud hosting are two methods for hosting our websites on servers and making them accessible to the entire world. Read along to learn more!

Updated: 01 Jun, 23 by Susith Nonis 4 Min

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Web hosting and cloud hosting are two methods for hosting our websites on servers and making them accessible to the entire world. Every website is hosted on localhost by default, so we'll need to upload our file to a server to make it accessible to everyone on the internet. Hosting is used to do this. This post will look at the differences between web hosting and cloud hosting and how they differ.

Web Hosting is a service that gives you a presence on the internet. When you wish to establish a website, you'll need to rent a server or a location to store all of your site's files. This can also be thought of as a location where your web site's files are linked to the internet. Your hosting provider will also give you other services, such as domain name and e-mail address registration, but this is just the technical element. Hosting firms usually have many servers in different data centres (companies that specialise in storing computer hardware), so if one of them goes down for some reason, it won't be a problem. However, all of them will use the same software and provide you access to the same files and directories. The objective of web hosting is to provide your website files at home and make them available to anyone who wants to visit it.

Shared hosting: Multiple websites are hosted on the same machine or server under this sort of hosting. This method is best for newcomers and small websites.

Dedicated Hosting: In dedicated hosting, an enterprise has its own dedicated data centres for its websites. Large enterprises with a server administrator should use this type of website hosting. It enhances the functionality of your website and gives you more control over it.

VPS Hosting: VPS hosting is similar to shared hosting, except that the files are stored in a private space with their own set of resources. It brings together the best features and maintains a balance between shared and dedicated hosting.

Cloud Hosting: This is a relatively new option that utilises resource and scope sharing to reduce costs and the likelihood of visible service outages. When compared to other solutions, it may be more cost-effective.

Cloud hosting is a type of web hosting where the websites are hosted on virtual servers on a cloud. Cloud hosting is a type of server and network infrastructure that divides a physical server into several virtual servers using the software. Solutions aren't deployed on a single server, unlike dedicated hosting. Instead, the website instances are hosted on multiple virtual machines, which enhances the scalability and efficiency of the website when the visitors' count goes high. The most basic definition of cloud hosting is a network of virtual servers that connect to an entire server network. Cloud hosting is a cloud delivery strategy that provides a set of remote/virtual services called Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

  1. Availability is high.
  2. The scalability of server resources is simple.
  3. It is less expensive than dedicated hardware.
  4. Setup and migration are simple.


Cloud hosting provides more control over the resources as there are multiple instances hosting your websites, and you can control the number of instances, scaling factors, etc. You also don't need to have shared resources with other websites.


If the traffic on the servers increases, you may scale your resources vertically or horizontally without a lot of effort in cloud hosting. This necessitates either a plan update or a switch to a different provider in traditional web hosting.


Cloud provides more security, advanced monitoring systems and automated security features than traditional web hosting.


In traditional web hosting, you pay for fixed resources, while in cloud hosting, you pay for what you use, which most enterprises prefer. 

We looked through the definition of hosting and how cloud hosting and web hosting differ from one another in this article. We can see that cloud hosting is a sort of web hosting in which we leverage cloud resources to make our websites more scalable and efficient. In contrast, web hosting is the process of uploading files to virtual servers and making them available to all internet users.

Susith Nonis

Susith Nonis

I'm fascinated by the IT world and how the 1's and 0's work. While I venture into the world of Technology, I try to share what I know in the simplest way with you. Not a fan of coffee, a travel addict, and a self-accredited 'master chef'.