How to Migrate a Website from Shared Hosting to VPS?

So your website is becoming more popular and gaining traction? Does it need a little more juice now? Learn how to migrate a website from shared hosting to the better-performing VPS.

Updated: 14 Dec, 21 by Antoniy Yushkevych 6 Min

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The majority of people and businesses choose shared hosting services to launch their first website. However, as their online presence grows in popularity, they quickly realize that they require more power, space, and bandwidth. When that moment comes, switching from a shared hosting server to virtual private server (VPS) hosting will be the best possible choice you have.

Virtual private servers (VPS) are one of the most widely used hosting services. It gives segregated dedicated resources to numerous users on a server using virtualization technologies. It provides better security than shared hosting since you have your own dedicated server space rather than just an account on a server.

VPS hosting combines the economic benefits of shared hosting with the increased capability of a dedicated server to provide the best hosting solution. Switching from shared hosting to a VPS has a number of significant advantages.

1. More freedom, performance, and speed are available.

You may host an infinite number of domains on a VPS hosting account. Software and programs can also be installed. In terms of performance, VPS hosting outperforms shared hosting by a wide margin. You can also adjust the server's settings because you have control over it.

With shared hosting, you don't have this luxury because each modification to the server impacts all users. It's also feasible to scale up and acquire extra resources in order to accommodate your website's expanding traffic. This also improves the user experience by reducing the time it takes for your website to load. It's beneficial for organizations to have happy consumers.

2. More development and peaking capacities

VPS customers have access to greater resources than those who utilize shared hosting. VPS is the way to go if your website is developing or if you are just getting started with a growth prediction. A VPS provides the ability to handle more traffic without compromising performance.

3. You may choose to use a managed VPS service

Many web hosting companies provide a user-friendly managed VPS option. This completely managed service includes free server installation and setup, software upgrades, security patching, and round-the-clock support. They also provide an alternative control panel for you, similar to what you'd see with a shared account.

4. VPS is based on a self-healing system

Another benefit of a VPS plan is the built-in self-healing capabilities. As a result, no manual involvement is required to resolve setup difficulties. The cloud platform where your data is stored is constantly customizing and reconfiguring resources like disc storage, memory, and computation. When there is a system failure, this provides an automated fail-safe. This function is not available even on dedicated servers. Virtual private servers, on the other hand, excel in this area, providing you with a self-healing environment.

There are certain indicators that your site should be transferred to a more robust hosting option.

  • Your website begins to load exceedingly slowly.
  • The 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded message is all too familiar to you.
  • You can't execute specific applications because your hosting plan doesn't allow it.
  • To handle the increased traffic to your website, you'll need extra security and technical assistance.

If you're experiencing any of these issues, you should consider switching from shared hosting to a VPS server. But first, make absolutely sure you have accessibility to your shared hosting accounts, VPS, and the cPanel for your website.

Have you made the decision to transfer to a VPS now that you have those, but are unsure how to proceed? No problem; we've put up a checklist of the actions you'll need to do to transition from shared to VPS hosting.

Step 1: Move your domain to your new hosting provider.

This isn't essential, but it's a good idea. You will save time and money by transferring your domain to a new hosting company or domain registrar. When transferring from one host to another, this step makes life a lot simpler. This ensures that your domain name stays active and secure through the conversion process.

Step 2: Create a backup of the website

Your website should already be backed up. It's even timelier now. Thus, make sure to take a backup of your website before making any irrevocable modifications. Download your files and export your website's database. This will not only make the transfer of databases and information easier in the future, but it will also act as a support system in case something goes wrong. Before continuing, go to your cPanel and make a backup of your files.

Step 3: Transfer your files and databases to your new VPS.

Set up your new VPS account, then upload all of the files and databases you already downloaded. You're ready for step 4 now that you've migrated your data to your VPS account.

Step 4: Change your IP address to the new server's address.

You're nearly there! You may now point your address to your new server using your DNS provider. This request is usually sent through email to your domain name registrar.

And with that, you've made the transition from an apartment to your own home with a yard. 

Hence when the traffic of your site is increasing and your website is slowing down you know it’s time to move to a VPS server of your own from a shared server. It will help you to upscale your business and give you more flexibility and a smooth experience as your business is moving forward and growing. Hence you will need to move your website from a shared server to VPS and the above steps in the guide will help you to do it. You can buy our Linux VPS to make your migrating journey easier and productive.

Antoniy Yushkevych

Antoniy Yushkevych

Master of word when it comes to technology, internet and privacy. I'm also your usual guy that always aims for the best result and takes a skateboard to work. If you need me, you will find me at the office's Counter-Strike championships on Fridays or at
user monovm

Era Johnston

2024, Oct, 24

Great post! The transition from shared hosting to VPS is a critical step for growing websites and businesses. It's fantastic to see such a comprehensive guide on making this shift efficiently. The detailed steps, from backing up your site to changing IP addresses, are super helpful. Plus, highlighting the benefits like better performance and security makes a compelling case for VPS. For anyone seeing their site’s growth potential, this is essential reading to ensure seamless scaling and improved user experience.