VPS vs Cloud Hosting: Key Differences & Benefits Explained

Discover the differences between VPS and Cloud Hosting. Learn which is best for your website needs in our comprehensive guide.

Updated: 10 Jun, 24 by Lisa P 12 Min

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Do you feel like your website is trapped in a rut? Maybe it is slow, unreliable, or just can`t handle the increased traffic you are creating. If so, it may be time to upgrade your hosting plan. But with so many options, such as VPS and cloud hosting, it may be hard to choose the best hosting plan. That`s why we`re going to compare VPS vs Cloud Hosting in this blog post. You can find out their differences like scaling, cost, availability, etc. After reading this blog post, you`re able to determine which hosting solution is best for your website's needs and your budget.

VPS, or Virtual Private Server hosting, segments a single physical server into multiple virtual parts that operate separately. VPS hosting provides you with one of these components, as well as a guaranteed quantity of processing power, memory, and storage. This offers greater flexibility and performance than shared hosting but without the expensive cost and maintenance of dedicated servers.

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Consider your website powered by a network of super-powerful computers that all work together worldwide. That`s exactly what cloud hosting is! This "cloud" of resources can grow or shrink based on what you need. Need more processing power to handle a sudden increase in traffic? No issue; the cloud can handle it. Has traffic slowed down? The cloud scales back, allowing you to pay for only what you use. It's like having a team of virtual assistants ready to help whenever your website needs a boost, assuring easy navigation and optimal efficiency.

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Both VPS and cloud hosting divide a physical server's resources into smaller pieces. So, businesses don’t need to pay the high cost of operating their own data centers. With VPS hosting, you get a dedicated portion with a set amount of power, memory, and storage. But with cloud hosting, you have more versatility and you'll only pay for what you use! If you understand VPS vs cloud hosting and their differences, you can choose the right platform for your website. Here we tell you the difference between VPS and cloud hosting. 

1- Infrastructure

As we mentioned before, VPS is a single physical server divided into virtual parts, similar to apartments in a building. Each VPS gets a certain set of resources (CPU, memory, and storage), but the hardware that underlies it is shared with other VPS customers.

On the other hand, consider the cloud to be a huge network of connected servers that act as a huge resource pool. Cloud hosting automatically assigns resources from this pool based on your website's needs. It's similar to having access to a continually changing network of computers.

2- Performance

If you imagine a VPS as an apartment, it provides enough space and power, but you must share the buildings with other people living there. This means that VPS hosting can provide good performance for your website, but it may not be fast and flexible like cloud hosting. 

Cloud hosting spreads your website's data across a network of powerful servers, not just one. Actually, it is like having a magic room that can grow bigger or smaller whenever you need it. This means super-fast loading speeds.

3- Flexibility

With VPS hosting, you can choose a size that works for you, but if you need more space later on, it's more difficult. So, if you believe your website will need to develop soon, cloud hosting is a more flexible option. 

Cloud hosting can expand quickly to provide you with more resources if you need additional space or power for a large event. 

4- Control and Management

VPS provides more control over your server environment than shared hosting. You can install software and change parameters, but operating the server may take technical knowledge.

Cloud computing provides less direct control over the base resources. However, cloud providers handle server maintenance and frequently provide user-friendly interfaces for resource management.

5- Security

VPS hosting stores your data in one place. So, you may think it is more secure. However, just like with cloud hosting, you will need to take precautions to secure your website against threats.

Cloud hosting spreads your website's data across a network of servers, which may seem dangerous. But do not worry! Cloud companies take security extremely seriously. They use firewalls, data encryption, and other safeguards to protect your information. Finally, using the correct tools can make both options secure.

6- Support

Since you have more control over VPS hosting, you are responsible for fixing things when they break! This may need some technical knowledge or more assistance from your VPS provider. So, if you're experienced in tinkering or have a dependable support team, VPS may be good for you. 

On the other hand, the cloud provider handles most of the maintenance work behind the scenes, so you don't have to be a tech expert to keep things going properly.

7- Cost

The cost depends on your needs! VPS hosting is a better choice for small and medium businesses with predictable workloads. You get a specific number of resources for a fixed monthly charge. 

Cloud hosting, on the other hand, is more adaptable and can scale up or down according to your traffic. This makes it suitable for websites that experience unpredictable waves of traffic. Some providers offer restricted monthly prices to prevent unexpected costs due to large storage requirements.

8- Individualization

With VPS hosting you have root access. This means you can install any software, operating system, or application you need, just like on a dedicated server.

Cloud hosting also allows you some customization, depending on the plan you choose. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) enables you to create virtual networks or install certain operating systems, similar to configuring individual components in a VPS. Also, some providers supply pre-built "microservices" that act similarly to building blocks, allowing you to personalize the functionalities of your server without needing much technical knowledge.

Now that you know the difference between VPS and cloud hosting, let`s see their pros and cons. 

Understanding VPS vs cloud hosting is important for choosing the right platform for your website's growth. Without knowing the pros and cons of each, it will be difficult to ensure that you get the performance, control, and cost that suits your website's specific needs.

VPS hosting advantages and disadvantages

The VPS hosting advantages are: 

  • Root access lets you configure your server to your needs.
  • Lower cost compared to dedicated servers with predictable monthly fees.
  • Each VPS is isolated, protecting your data from other users.
  • VPS users have more control over their server environment compared to shared hosting.

And the disadvantages are:

  • Upgrading resources can be complex and time-consuming.
  • Managing a VPS server requires some technical expertise.
  • If the physical server fails, all VPS segments are affected.
  • Overall performance is capped by the physical server's hardware.

Cloud hosting advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of cloud hosting include:

  • Easily adjust resources up or down to meet website needs.
  • Pay only for what you use, ideal for businesses of all sizes.
  • Cloud infrastructure resists failures in hardware or networks.
  • Maintains smooth operation even during traffic spikes.
  • Choose features and microservices to fit your specific needs (depending on the provider).

And the disadvantages include:

  • Public cloud security may not be ideal for highly sensitive data. 
  • Relies on the cloud provider's uptime and performance.
  • Customization options depend on the chosen subscription plan.

It all depends on the demands of your website and the size of your business. Here we help you to decide:

Good fit for VPS hosting:

  • If your website gets a regular flow of traffic and you can predict future needs, VPS hosting provides an excellent balance of performance and control for you. 
  • Medium-sized businesses with online storefronts or high-traffic websites can benefit from VPS's dedicated resources and customization options.
  • If you know exactly how much storage and processing power your website needs, VPS allows you to divide resources efficiently.

Good fit for cloud hosting:

  • Cloud hosting allows websites with changing visitor numbers, such as online stores with seasonal specials, to effortlessly scale up and down resources. 
  • Large or small businesses with the potential for rapid expansion can benefit from cloud hosting's capacity to handle unexpected traffic peaks.
  • If your website's needs for resources often change, cloud hosting's pay-as-you-go model keeps prices under control.

We've provided a table outlining the key differences of VPS vs Cloud Hosting. This table provides a quick summary of their differences in an understandable way.  By evaluating aspects such as scalability, cost, and security, you may choose which choice is best for your website.


Cloud Hosting        

VPS Hosting                                 


Highly Scalable   

Less Scalable (upgrades required)

Resource Management

Flexible & Pay-as-you-go

Dedicated Resources, Fixed Monthly Cost     

Control & Customization

Limited (Depends on Provider)

More Control with Root Access                 


High & Consistent

Good, but Limited by Hardware                 

Data Security

Varies (Depends on Provider & Plan)

Secure, Isolated VPS Segments                

Technical Expertise

Lower Requirement  

Higher Requirement for Server Management     


Variable (Based on Usage)

Fixed Monthly Cost                            


Highly Fault Tolerant

Vulnerable to Physical Server Failures         

Suitable for

Unpredictable Traffic, Growing Businesses  

Predictable Needs, Established Businesses     


Both VPS and cloud hosting provide practical approaches for running your website.  Before choosing one, you need to consider your needs. If you have a popular site with predictable traffic and need more control over your server environment, VPS hosting may be appropriate.  But for firms with unpredictable traffic or the potential for rapid development, cloud hosting's scalability and pay-as-you-go flexibility have significant advantages.  Consider the aspects discussed in this blog post, such as scalability, pricing, and technical competence needs, to make the best decision. 

It depends on your website's needs. For predictable traffic, established businesses, and the need for control and customization, VPS is the better option. For cloud hosting for unpredictable traffic, growing businesses, and flexible resource needs, cloud hosting is more suitable. 

VPS offers more power, control, and dedicated resources compared to shared web hosting. It's a good step up for websites that need more performance than basic hosting.

VPS has a fixed monthly cost for dedicated resources. Cloud hosting offers flexible, pay-as-you-go pricing, so you might end up paying less for a low-traffic website on VPS. However, cloud hosting can be more cost-effective for websites with fluctuating traffic.

Storage refers to the disk space allocated for your website's files, data, and applications. Both cloud and VPS hosting offer storage options. Cloud VPS is a type of virtual private server hosted on a cloud infrastructure. It combines the dedicated resources of VPS with the scalability and flexibility of cloud hosting.

Lisa P

Lisa P

Hello, everyone, my name is Lisa. I'm a passionate electrical engineering student with a keen interest in technology. I'm fascinated by the intersection of engineering principles and technological advancements, and I'm eager to contribute to the field by applying my knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems.