How do I change or add the language in Windows Server?

Discover how to easily change or add languages in Windows Server with our quick and simple guide. Start enhancing your system today!

Updated: 16 Apr, 24 by Lisa P 5 Min

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Are you looking to customize the language settings on your Windows Server hosted on a Virtual Private Server (VPS)? Whether you're aiming to accommodate users from different linguistic backgrounds or simply prefer to work in a specific language environment, adjusting the language settings can enhance user experience and streamline operations. In this guide, we'll explore the steps to add or change language on a Windows Server running on a VPS. Whether you're a system administrator or a tech enthusiast, mastering this process will empower you to tailor your server environment to suit your needs effectively.

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Here is a more comprehensive and structured guide on how to change the display language of a Virtual Private Server (VPS) running different versions of Microsoft Windows Server:

Changing the Language in Windows Server 2019 and 2022

When installing Microsoft Windows Server 2019 or 2022, the default display language is set to English. You can add and switch to other languages at any time. Here’s how:

  1. Access Remote Desktop: Connect to your server via Remote Desktop.
  2. Open Settings:

   - Click the Start button.

   - Navigate to and click on Settings.

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  1. Navigate to Language Settings:

   - Select Time & Language.

   - In the navigation pane on the left, click Language.

  1. Add a New Language:

   - Click Add a Language.

   - In the Choose a language to install field, type or select the desired language.

   - Click Next.

   - For Windows Server 2022, check the option Set as my Windows display language. This step can be skipped in Windows Server 2019.

   - Click Install.

After the installation, you might need to restart your VPS to apply the changes.

Changing the Language in Windows Server 2012

For users running Windows Server 2012, follow these steps:

  1. Control Panel:

   - From the Start menu, open the Control Panel.

   - Click on Language.

  1. Language Addition:

   - Click Add a language.

   - Select your desired language and click the Add button.

  1. Install Language Pack:

   - Select the new language and click Options.

   - Click Download and install language pack.

  1. Set Primary Language:

   - Once installed, return to the language options and select Make this the primary language.

You will be prompted to restart your VPS for the changes to take effect.

Changing the Language in Windows Server 2016

For changing the display language on Windows Server 2016, proceed as follows:

  1. Settings Access:

   - Click the Windows start button.

   - Open the Settings window.

  1. Language and Region Settings:

   - Click on Time & language, then on Region & language.

  1. Add New Language:

   - Click on Add a language and choose your desired language from the list.

  1. Automatic Installation:

   - Open Options for the newly added language.

   - Click Download; the necessary files will install automatically.

  1. Set Default Language:

   - Choose your country/region, then click Set as default.

Upon the next login, the new language setting will be reflected in the system overview and will be used as the Windows display language.

These steps should help you efficiently change the display language on your Windows VPS across different server versions.

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In conclusion, managing language settings on a Windows Server hosted on a VPS is a straightforward yet essential task for optimizing user experience and facilitating efficient operations. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can seamlessly add or change languages to meet the requirements of your users or your personal preferences. Whether you're running a small business, managing a large-scale enterprise infrastructure, or exploring the world of server administration out of curiosity, mastering language customization on Windows Server will undoubtedly prove to be a valuable skill. Embrace the versatility and flexibility offered by Windows Server on your VPS by tailoring its language settings to suit your specific needs.

For Windows Server 2012, the steps to add a new language are as follows: Go to the Start menu and open the Control Panel. Choose Add a Language under Clock, Language, and Region. Select the language you want to add from the list and click Add. Click Options next to the new language and then Download and install language pack. After the installation, go back to the language options and click Make this the primary language. Restart your server to apply the new language settings.

Adding a language to Windows Server involves a few simple steps: Connect to your server via Remote Desktop. Open Settings from the Start menu. Go to Time & Language > Language. Click Add a Language to see a list of available languages. Select the language you want to add and click Next, then Install. For Windows Server 2012, you will have to go through the Control Panel, select Language, and then Add a language.

To change the language on your VPS server, access the server via Remote Desktop. Navigate to Settings > Time & Language > Language. Here you can add a new language by clicking on Add a Language. Choose the language you want to install, and then follow the prompts to download and install the language pack. You may need to set the new language as the default and restart your VPS to apply the changes.

Lisa P

Lisa P

Hello, everyone, my name is Lisa. I'm a passionate electrical engineering student with a keen interest in technology. I'm fascinated by the intersection of engineering principles and technological advancements, and I'm eager to contribute to the field by applying my knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems.